Picky Pickle Duo

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Tommy turned around, "Just show yourself."
So the voice did. They were tall, and they had the colours of a todem. They had green highlights but most if their outfit was golden. Tommy stared up in shock of what was infornt of him. "Damn, you showed yourself to me, you must be gullible or foolish!"
"I have no name yet, but Foolish sounds good," The figure replied, "I am God of all Totems and structures; Who is referred to the unnamed God in the books."
"Ah, right. Whats with the formality?"
"I don't fuxking know man- XD told me I'm representing the God's so I have to be formal."
Tommh did not indeed expect that. Tommy gave a quick snigger but then his stomach rumbled. "Of course, Can we get something to eat? Please?"

Tommy returned to his job, only to realise its closed today and tomorrow because of the crater infront of it. He went to the next best thing, street food. He picked up a pickle sandwich and then grabbed it and ran to the alleyway. In all honesty, everything happened in the same alleyway. The first meet with Siren, the second one, when he healed Siren and now this. Foolish had no 'mortal' form (yet) so it was NOT worth the risk of him stepping outside it. Tommy sprinted towards Foolish, and then shoved the sandwich in his mouth, "What is this amazing food! Its better than the richest of golden apples!"
"Its a pickle sandwich. Golden apples are all you eat though?" Tommy questioned.
"No, we have enchanted golden apples and golden carrots.The occasional golden cookies come in when Drista makes them. She made one that looked like you once!"

 She made one that looked like you once!"

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Foolish grabs the oldest of cameras and...
"What the fuxk. Why is it stabbed!?" Tommy shrieked.
"XD didn't want us getting attached to you. I begged him to see the guy he just stabbed. Here I am."
"Kidnapped in a fuckinh basement..." Tommy muttered to himself, reminding himself of the first meeting with the villains.
"Well, Tommy, its nice you have a good life. Sorry to bother. Don't want to mess your life. Is there any of these pickles you have though?"
"No, and you didn't bother me. Tell me about what you meant by Eret?" Tommy asked, making Foolish freeze.
"Dont trust him, he's a bad lad. Thats all I can say. Now, send me a letter!"
"A letter? How is it supposed to get up there?"
"Make it thunder on the letter, it will transport itself. Now gotta go build a structure bye!"
"What the fuxk just happened?"

(2 days later)Tommy went to work to see a man with glasses and a hoodie. He walked up to the man saying, "Can I help you? The store wasn't opened yet so why are you here?"
"I-I umm..Is anyone around?" The man asked.
"Yeah; me."
"Except you?"
The man removed his hoodie. Thank god the blinds were closed still because Tommy heard distance chatter. "Very foolish of you."
"Hi, Tom. And for your information, my name is Noah in the mortal world. Or whatever dreamXD fuxking calls it-"
"Noah? Alright mate. But you need a disguse. Its bollin' out there! It will be sus of you to step out in a hoodie. Where did you even get it from?" Tommy examined his look.
"Theres a shop outside and this white man with no face. And it was out in the open so, mine," Noah mentioned.
"Thats called a mannequin! You stole it! God dang it! Wait no- Uh, still! You have to return it!" Tommy shouted at him.
"No, I like it. Now, what clothes do yall wear? Give me something fashionable!" Foolish excited exclaimed, posing as the mannequin.
"I've got few hours before work. So why not?"
Now, you may imagine a nice wonderful iconic scene where the protagonist is with the friend, coming out with another outfit till its the best. But no, not the case here. Tommy grabbed outfit, gave it to him, and told him its fashion. It was actually a work costume and a white T-shirt with shorts. He snipped the excess of, so foolish didn't look bad. He looked terrible. His original outfit was telported away with the same system for messages.
"I see. This looks kinda bad. You fuxking tricked me! You are chaos!" Foolish called out.
"Yeah, it was fun while it lasted. Here though. Take a green shirt. It will look fine."
It looked better than before. Thats a good thing. Foolish, or Noah, looked normal now.
"Thanks Tommy! Anyways, is that Drista?" Noah asked; pointing to a familiar face.
"God of Structure? What are you doing here?" Drista asked, point a fork towards Foolish.
"Hes called Noah or Foolish. And why so early?" Tommy asked.
"Because XD told me 'Foolish' had gone missing! God..You look so different! It looks like you're not a totem at all! I can't believe i recognised you!" Drista screamed at both of them. Drista soon calmed down, and accepted it. "Well, you have to go."
"But, I've only been here for a short period of time?" Noah whined. "Let me stay!"
"Well, I'd probably get a talking to, but I get that all the time. So, I guess Foolish will protect you. Bye Tommy!" Like that, he disappeared. Tommy couldn't help but smile at Foolish not knowing what coffee was. "Oh my goodness! This is addictive!"
Wilbur stepped in and Foolish leaned against the table, pretending to be a normal customer.
"Hey, Tommy. And...Uh..Hello."
Foolish was giving him the creepiest of smiles, but instead Tommy laughed.
"Hey Wilbur. What would like today?" Tommy asked, clicking his pen.
"The regular please!" Wilbur answered and Noah gave a "OH!!!!" Wilbur is another God but he shouldn't know. Noah sipped his coffee with a straw, like a atypical, unusual, weirdo. "Nice, is there anything with pickles?"
"Theres the pickle smoothe, kind sir. Will, just sit next to me at the stool."
Wilbur picked it up and sat down. Noah eyes sparkle tasting the pickle smoothe. Drinking it; the texture was lumpy, with bits sticking out. Wilbur was getting unpatient so he asked, "What do you wanna do today?"
"Anything! Oh I feel a cough coming!" Tommy coughed making Noah realise what he meant. He picked up the notebook when Will wasn't looking the message was, "Dont follow me."
"How's Phill?" Tommy asked like he didn't see him the other day, when he threw him from a building.
"He's fine. Are you alright? You didn't get hurt or anything?"
"Nah, I'm fine. So, Wilbur. Have you seen any activity of the heros and villians? They made that thing appear infornt of this! I can't believe it! Lost me a 2 days worth of pounds!"
"It won't happen again. Sorry," Wilbur whispered. Tommy smiled; and then gave his brother a hug. "Thanks for being here, I know your job is hard whatever that may be. Just you being here is nice Bitxh boy!"

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