Shortly after

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"Ah, someone is calling me. An unknown number?" Tommy looked at his phone. "Damn. Im good with da ladies."
"Youre gonna take that?" Alex pointed out that he's in the middle of a stream.
"Let him be. Children now a days," Tecno said pulling away Quackity.
"Damn, anyways. Bye Stream!" Tommy waved and then walked away.
"Hello, who is this?" Tommy asked.
"You forgot me!? Dang, I helped you and this!?" She shouts.
"Uhhh, yeah. Whats your name again?"
"M! You are crazy!" Molly scolded.
"M? I dunno you mate!" Tommy blurted. M suddenly stopped speaking. Silence broke out to the streets, except the distance chatting. "You're not Wilbur are you?"
"Wilbur? He's my mate. Damn, do you know him? He is at the hospital right now. With his dad. How do you know him though?" He asked.
"I-I w-well...A long story. He wouldn't want me to tell anyone. Just tell him, M called," She stammered.
With a deep breath Tommy said, "M, I'm Tommy. Maybe he mentioned me?"
"He did mention you. He said I'd love you."
"Well, I'm annoying at first so that's says a lot. Wait, did he set this up? That fuxking bustard!"
Molly on the other end just breathed into the call, "I'm gonna go now. Bye Tommy."
After zoning out he said, "Bye M!"
He gives Wilbur a ring. "Hey Wilbur."
"Hey, Tommy did you get a call-"
"From M? Yeah she told me to tell you she called. Why did you stage me a date?!" Tom felt kinda angry. Wilbur just wheezed then said, "Sorry Tommy. I wanted you reaction."
"How do you know Molly?"
"Its a long story-"
"Yeah, yeah. I have all day to hear it."
"I don't wanna tell you."
"Oh. Okay."
Like you'd same the same thing! Imagine your loveable brother was coughing blood and you ask him to do something. Then he says no!
"Right mate. I gotta go. Some checkups," He muttered. Tommy nodded but said, "Right. Bye."
He walked towards Alex and Tecno, and they both turn to Tommy and said, "Who was that?"
He grinned, "Some girl called M...M. I can't say her full name after all."
"Oki, I guess," Tecno responded. But Quackity, he looked towards Tommy with sparkles in his eyes, "LETS LEARN ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL LIFE!? WHEN DID YOU MET HER!?"
"A-A coffee shop! Yeah!" Tommy laughed. The Chat theories names. Wilbur was in the chat, thankful he lied. He called Molly, and said, "Sorry." And ended the call. The creeper; the better!1!1!1
"Well, Who was that?" Philza asked.
"Someone I kinda set up a date for. Its a long story. I guess I'll tell you..."
[READ Last chapter]
"I think she's 17. Her driving skills are incredible so she can't be less."
"Or she can be above! What if she like...31!?!?"
"Shes not. She's a kid. Maybe 16."
"I hate you sometimes. Come here though. Give your young pop a hug."
"Old pop, but alr."
"Fuxk off."
"Marilyn?!?!?!" The Chat typed. "MATILDA!?"
"Closer, but not quite."
"DANG! is it May?" Alex said.
"SO CLOSE LIKE-" Tommy shut himself. They weren't close at all. The irony.
"March? Mary! Ah a proper L'manberg name," he coughed. His idol wasn't that far off. Truth to be said, Tommy didn't know himself.
But its fun to act like it.
"YEA! Marie!" Tommy said. "Your saying Mary, which is popular though. Marie, is more like mar-e then mear-e."
"Thank God I've switched recording to my phone! They would have heard her name!" Alex said. He pointed to the camera, which had no red button. "Live breaks."
"Ah, alright. Now go," Tommy replied.
He clicks it back on and everyone is unsure of the name. They continued to call the mysterious person, "M."
The topic faded away, and they were done with the stream so they just left burger King.
"I'm so tired. Im gonna go to Wilbur."
"To your boyfriend huh?" Tommy teased. Alex then said, "Go back to your girlfriend Thomas."
"Dang, wish we were still recording. Anyways, Wilbur is fine. We go to the hospital all the time. Once it was 5 days. Wilbur went insane. I think before that happens we should go home."
"Fair enough; but I think it did happen," Tommy muttered to himself. He knew the girl was sus. Wilbur never mentioned her.
Tecnoblade swinged his arms with joy and carried Tommy to his home. He was home alone with The Blade, his idol, a God and his brother.


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