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Wilbur sighed and banged his hospital bed. Dream was out there, with his friends, talking to Tommy and presumingly Alex. Philza looked worried. Wilbur was starting to go insane being stuck in a hospital bed for so long. He'd grin at any sight of the sky in their live stream. He looked towards the window, and tried to get himself up. At least, he can lay down at the couch until...
"Wilbur Gold Soot! What are you doing? You need rest!" Philza called out.
Wilbur laughed and said, "I couldn't care less! I need fresh air. The ability to have fun wth friends. I can't be locked in this window for so long."
Philza looked worried, but he sighed, laying down at Wilbur's own bed. He was too tired to care right now. Wilbur, meanwhile, would go crazy if he was stuck somewhere. He picked up his medication, and waited, stared, watched Phil till he was asleep. Wilbur picked up his coat, with blood, and put it on. He ran towards the doors, hoping nobody will stop him. The whole security did. At least, tried to. Wilbur raised an arm, with hipnosis, said, "Let me go, open the doors for me."
The guards all did. Wilbur left the room with happiness, like all his despair washed away. The sunshine danced around the acidic streets. He was free. Wilbur took a breath and realised what he had done. Escaped and went mad. He smiled. He was the God of Insanity after all. It was music to his ears. But right now, he was hungry. Hungry for some revenge. Dream flirts with Alex, talks to Tommy and ignores his Tecnoblade?! Thats his job. And someone is talking it.
"I want your car~" Wilbur sings to the stranger. She had brunette hair and blue fit.
"Whats your name?" He said as he came inside the car. "I'm Wilbur."
The girl gasped, not realising she held her breath, "Molly. But I'm a streamer called M!"
"Right, whats your power?" He politely asked, rising more panic in Molly.
"Fine don't tell me just drive to Pogtopia."
She did like he commanded. She trembled while doing it, which was clearly forced.
"Why am I driving!? Who are you!?"
"I told I'm Wilbur!" He laughed.
"Well, get away from me!" She reached the position and ran for help. Wilbur came our of the car, and in a sing-a-song voice said, "Hault. Wait for me!"
"Please...let me go," she begged.
"I will. Maybe. You know you're going to the police. For your information, I'm not a villian," Wilbur lied. He was Siren with or without the mask. She stuttered but said, "You kidnap me and make me take you here? I think you are. Plus you got blood on your coat."
Wilbur smirked, "Tommy would love you. Anyways, no. I'm running away from the hospital. I want freedom so here I am. Now, you better just forget about this or I'll find you Molly."
"Fine. As long as I never see you again," M said with bitterness. Then she was gone.
Wilbur still had his plans. He looked towards the heros building, spefically where Dream was seen the most. He just needed to use his lighter then....
"Techno, they have insurance." He flashes back to the conversation before he left the hospital. Tecno and Philza were talking about Arson, which isn't very useful for proving your not a villain. Oh well, Wilbur thought.
"W-Wait. Since I'm out, I gotta get out of here! I need to get to them before Dream gets here...Ugh where is that girl?!" He shouted. M suddenly appeared again, but with something on her arm. Her power was ###, but is very rare. She was forced to come.
"What'd you want? Why is it that you need me again? I want nothing to do with a hospital esca- Holy!" She looked up to the building on fire. She stared at Wilbur and put her fist up, "My power is unbreakable bones! The time you take to say your words will be the time id call the police. Dont try me," She commanded.
"Can I ask a few questions before it? I will," he sang making her stop and freeze. She spits, and swore(im not sure if she's another bbh but still).
"Great. Question one; Are you sure i can't twist you neck? Whats your favourite shark? Whats your favourite continent? How many drugs do you do?" He started interrogating her. She felt pressure, but could do nothing about it. (Watch-Tommyinnit gf-stories)
"Uhmm....Please let me go!" She screamed.
"Not till you answer."
"Good, Now I couldn't careless what happening, take me home."
"Fine sir," she told him and angry opens the door for him and grabbed the steering wheel. Wilbur just wheezed, "I didn't even use my voice. But thank you anyways."
"Dang it. But here's where I'm stopping then. Get out. You don't know what camera might get me into trouble!" She scolded.
"Nah, the cameras are going from that weird acid rain, its alright. Now heres my number, take it!" Wilbur gave her actually Tommy's and his, but he mentioned thats his own number is second phone he never used.
"Ugh...get the hell out my car!" She pushed him out and drove away. "Rude."
Wilbur shuffled his jacket in discomfort, and then ran faster and faster, still he coughed more. He was unwell still but burger King, has to be around here somewhere. He sees Dream step out of the shop, and smiled. He also waiting for Alex and Tecno to leave the store, but a thought reminded him.
They are live. Live people who knows he's supposed to be at the hospital. And his hand, started to become red. He was also dizzy. He drank wine he found at the store nearest to the tree he was hiding behind. Tommy stepped out with a blonde woman, with long hair, and a sparkly blue dress. She was alone and there was no camera. Alex? The 'woman' looked around then transformed into back into his original state. He looked, or stared at Alex and Tommy. Then Tecno quickly followed behind with the camera. He needed to go back to the hospital. There's one thing he could do, but he's a bit too tired. He pressed a button on his glasses and it turned into his suit. He climbed the tree, to the roof and sits on it. Knowing everyone's reaction, he slowly, creeped towards the hospital. When he got there, Philza had a phone, and was calling someone. A vibration stuck in his pocket. He received the call.
"WILBUR MATE WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!? I WAS WORRIED. WILBUR SAY SOMETHING!" He cried out loud. Wilbur stammered to say anything. He felt guilty, so he went through the window, and he took of his suit. He told him, "I went for a walk. Im back inside."
SHIT! I didn't think of that, he said to himself. He cleaned his hand and then said, "I can try to get to the camera room from the inside."
"No, no, no. I will. You're grounded. Stay inside," Philza words stunged Wilbur.
"How long?" Wilbur questioned.
Philza sighed, "Till I say so."
Wilbur smiled. His powers, would make him to say so.
"And I'm taking away the suit that enchances your powers. Im coming up and watching you smile. Look out at your window."
Wilbur turned around to see Philza sitting down at the sill. He looked angry, but relieved that he was back. "Quite the contrary, I was here the whole time."
"Great. Here, the button. I'll arrange Sam to get one though!" Wilbur exclaimed. Phil gives him a hug, and cried a bit more. Slowly, Philza left the room and removed the footage. He remembered something though.

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