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Tommy and Big Q went to Wilbur's home, to make sure Technoblade didn't burn it down. Philza and Wilbur were at the hospital, since Wilbur fell asleep, and nobody wanted to wake him up. Quackity and Tecnoblade take this moment to stream, with Tommy. Their fan base was kind, so he thought. The chat went crazy. "ITS JUMP IN THE CADILLIAC GUY!"
Alex sighed and took a sip from his wine, "This is Tommy. Tommy, say hi to everyone."
"Hello Weirdos!"
"Ah, Tommy, he's 16 so ima just ban that guy."

The game continued on, and Tommy sucked at Bedwars. Playing the game, it reminded him of Purpled, but it was best not to mention it infornt of a live audience of 33k. Tecno was in the other room, not wanting to face reveal. It was a discord call and Alex was teaching him. He kept telling himself, Purpled would have done that. Or that. Tommy laughed and then said, "Live audience, Do you know who Wilbur is?"
The whole chat went crazy. Quackity gave Tommy a quick nudge and said, "They ship me with that guy. I dont see

Tommy stared into that camera and lifted his eyebrows basically saying, "he likes him"
Quackity fixed his beanie and then grabbed his chair, tossed it and then said, "Is that enough proof???!?!?!?!?"
"OHHHHHHHHHH....Why you get so flustered?!?!!" The chat typed.
"Hm. I agree with chat on this one."
Alex left the room with a sigh, and then Wilbur came. His powers of course.
"Alex is telling me, that you guys are shipping us together. For your information, I'm uncomfortable."
Just like that, a clip came up with Wilbur kissing Alex in MCC (Minecraft!1!1).
"As a joke idiots. Now I gotta go get Alex to finsh this stream. Bye Tommy."

Tommy waved and then looked towards the camera. He hijacked the stream, held it hostage and said, "I got this Toy gun that was stolen. Will gave it to me."
"He stole it?" Tecno asked.
"Mhm. I call it vlog gun."
"Ah; We could ruin a lot of orphans life with this device. So could a couple of withers."
"Orphans. They did a lot wrong. First and worst mistake; existing."
"Alright, thanks for telling me," Tommy shivered. "I hope Philza litrally adopts me now."
"Eh-What was that?" Techno commanded Tommy to answer. Tommy just shrugged,
"I forgot. Sorry mate! Now, where were we?"
"Playing Bedwards. Go on my team!" Tecnoblade said. He jumped towards the blocks, grabs them, and then brings his way to yellow. Till then Tommy was sat collecting iron.
"You gonna help or not!?" Tecno shouted.
"I will. Just getting enough iron for a sword!" Tommy blurted. Tecno then killed yellow, blue and red. Tommy had an Iron sword, so Tecno let Tommy practice with it. He left white for last. "I'm doing it!" Tommy called out.

"Great. Now get here! I'm killing white with style. Do you see a fireball?" Tecno asked.
"Yeah, with the man?" Tommy replied.
"Get it and throw it," Tecno commanded.
Tommy did. He missed, but the white stopped, letting Tecno get the kill. The last guy went for the bed, so Tommy defended it  and killed them too. They both shouted, "BEDROCK BROS!"
Alex walked back in, and then said with a high pitched voice, "I wanna go burger King but I want coupons. If Burger King had more coupons, I'd buy more and..." he trailed off.
Tommy was left confused and Tecno left the game. He was now at the door; with a coupon.
"Ohhhhh....Tecno is talking us to Burger King!" Tommy excitement was shown through the camera. Techno shaked his head and said, "No, Alex went in my room, found them, and wanted me to take him."
Tommy blinked twice and said, "Why do you even have them?"
"Haha. Its because of stupid idiots that watch others play games! Imagine!" Techno shouted, towards the camera. The chat was exposed. In 4K too because 4K people joined.
"Well, Chat! We are going to burger King so I'm ending the stream!!" He sang.
Tommy wondered what Wilbur would be thinking right now. He was in chat aswell.
"What the fuxk. You guys left me in the hospital!" His message was right at the top. The chat was confused.
"Well. Uh, Wilbur was on the news today. Did you guys not see the fight? Let me show you a clip."
The clip showed Dream helping Wilbur and Tommy, and Tommy crying. Dream collapsed on him. The Chat had nothing to say except get Well soons. They didn't think anything of Dream face, which was filled with anger. Alex ended the stream and called Wilbur; "Hey, Wilba. You okay now to go. Thats not a question. Come on, come on!"
Tecno snatched the phone, "Stop being so hyper. Wil, if you don't come then its fine. I dont spend that much money."
"I can't come. The doctors said I need a bit more rest. Spefically Philza said so too."
"Ok, Wilbur," Alex got his phone back and ended the call. He started cheering happily and Tommy decided to join in too. Tecno dragged Alex and Tommy ran for it. "Be a bit quicker Tommy."
"Yeah, Yeah."
"Oh Tecno whats that? A strip club?" Alex pointed at it and looked straight at Tommy. Tommy tried not to laugh, "Whats a strip club?" He knew exactly what it was; but its funny.
"Its uh..Where you strip wood and stuff," Tecno replied, looking at Alex.
"Can we go there?" Alex asked, cheering.
"Ok, look, there's 8 billion people in the world, some cameras, a lot of people, one of them is bound to be in the FBI. Especially since your recording this. Out of 38K, of course. Thats just statistics!"
They both wheeze but Tommy then realised that A. Their live. "So uh, Tecno face reveal?"
"No, on my camera, there's a facial filter that blocks it. Just to make sure, here's a glasses, Its swag."
"No, Pog."

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