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Wilbur looks at him; proud. To be honest, he didn't expect that sorta thing from someone like Tommy. Tom smiles and then looks around. He attracted quite a crowd. He lits his leg off the Karen and walks away, dragging Wilbur with him. They stop at a shop that had cotton candy. "PLEASE! CAN I GET IT!?!??"
Wilbur goes into the shop, and comes out with 5 boxes of cotton candy. One falls and Tommy picks it up. He eats some of it, "You want some?"
"No gremlin child. I'll eat this one instead."
Tommy finishes his tube in a blink of an eye so he gets another one. Silence made everything awkward. Wilbur looks at Tommy and asks, "Hey, Why were you at your friends home anyways? You said the apartment they had was cheap so..."
"We had a argument. Ranboo forgives me, Tubbo? Not so much. I wonder whats happening to them now?"
Ranboo enters the door and Tubbo is sitting on the couch. He closes the door and walks to Tubbo. Tubbo looked angry and annoyed.
"If Tommy said sorry, I don't forgive him. He litrally hanged out with a enemy!" Tubbo shouted, making Ranboo take a step back.
"Tom did say sorry. And he made a promise. I don't think you'd understand though. You break every single one," Ranboo muttered. Tubbo shut the TV off. "Excuse me?"
Ranboo hoped he didn't hear what he said however, he did. He struggled to speak. Should he say anything? But if he was silent it would-
He puts his hands over his mouth. Ran literally Ran away. He was in his room. He shut it and his breathing was becoming a bit.. At Unease. He could feel his heart. He messaged Tommy,
Emergency. Telporting to you now.
Tommy looked at his texts, he pushed the cotton away. Ranboo telported straight on top off him. Wilbur was confused. Was that...Enderman? Nope. He doesn't even have the black hair or anything releated to him. Must be a coincidence. Ranboo started to breathe more heavily. Tommy grasped his arms and hugged him, "Breathe okay? Breathe. Inhale, Exhale. Inhale, Exhale. Like you are on dru-"
Ran laughed but that didn't help at all, he told himself. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
Ranboo quickly noticed Wilbur and what has happening. "Who is that?"
"Wilbur. A guy I met few months ago."
That was lie. But if he said a day ago, Ranboo would suspect he's Siren.
"Oh. Sorry. I just...Had a panic attack."
"Its alright mate. Did you have a fight?"
"Yes, I did. I think I should leave now.."
"No! Come on man, I didn't give you flowers!" Tommy said, trying to lighten the mood.
"Stupid," Ranboo said while telporting away.
"Is this normal? And who is he?" Wilbur questioned, still not fully understanding.
"No it happens occasionally. Recently been happening more though," Tommy replys.
Wilbur sits down, "Well...Uh..."
"Awkward. Don't worry he'll be fine. Just needs some rest!" Tommy exclaims.
Wilbur pulled the candy away and it was silent for a while. Wilbur ate a bit and then responds, "You should get them a therapist. It would be helpful."
"He does have one, I have one, Tubbo has one. Her name is Puffy. Tubbo's mother. But, Ranboo just had his argument with her son so, not the best place to go. Although, she is quite nice. She cares for all of his and listens to all the sides. It just would seem wrong."
Wilbur nods. Finally some answers.
"I wanna go to her. She is like my substitute mom. I think of her every time in a situation like when I'm stuck in the elevator. I just want someone to calm me down!" Tommy declares. Wilbur looks around. He gets his phone out and starting typing. Tom finds that extremely rude. "Hey, I'm speaking to you! I told you I was sensitive!"
"Oh..I'm looking for directions to you therapist. Just in case you ever want to go. Its remind of someone. I don't know who though..."
Tommy smirked, "Well, whoever you are thinking off must be awesome! Anyways, maybe I can ask Puffy for Ranboo. Get her advice on the situation THEN tell it to Ranboo.
Good thinking, Wilbur."
"Right, I'm going to pack these up," He muttered, "RACE YOU THERE!"
They arrived at the location. It's walls were filled to the brim with positivity and colours. One said, "Live life to the fullest." And another said, "You're welcome to stay in room 69 or 420." That poster was made by Tom himself.
Wilbur smiled and looked towards the area, "Right, Child. You want me to stay at the waiting room?"
"Yeah mate. And I'm not a child!" Tommy shouted, making Wilbur laugh.
"Right....I believe you totally!" He rolled his eyes. He sat down with a magazine. The cover page was Dream so he slammed it down to the bench. Others waiting shivered.
Tommy peaked from holes in the frames and knocked on the door. Puffy welcomed him with open arms. "Tommy! Welcome! Sit down, there's nobody for MY appointment anyways. Most people go for the other therapist. Now, how are you?"
"I'm...Fairly okay. I wanna talk to you about happened with Ranboo. He had another panic attack. This one, was because of an argument Tubbo and Ranboo had. I want your advice," Tommy replied, sitting down.
"Ah, would you tell me the details?" Puffy asked, flickering a notebook to another page.
"Well, could you not write it down? Please. I would have to go back to yesterday night and earlier today," Tommy stated. He looked towards the door. He looked paranoid.
"Of course. And who might be outside? Are you waiting for someone?"
"Thats somewhere to start. Uhm, do you remember when you shared that 'secret' with me? About the hero; Captain?"
"Yes, Tommy. Are they a hero? Are they hunting you down because of me?" She questioned getting even more worried.
"Quite the opposite. He's a..." Tommy stopped himself and leaned slower to her ear, "A supervillain."
"Oh. Oh..My..Well, is he apart of the syndicate or..?" She asked, with curiosity.
"Of course! I don't really get how that's a question...Hes...Siren," Tommy manged to say.
Puffy smiled. She leaned back and nodded,
"Then all is well. They helped me after all."
"Yes, don't scream it."

Tommy has a flashback to when Puffy told him the story. Story of how Captain was held captive, in Jschlatt's plans.
"It all takes place in the good old days," she told him, "But he made these days turned into suffer. It started long ago when there was no such thing as 'heros' or 'villians'. There was only one thing; vigilants. I know you know this story Tommy. You were one yourself."
Past Tommy noded. He looked up towards Puffy who's smile had vanished.
"It was an election year. It was Jschlatt vs the former vigilant, Fundy. (Authors note: His name may be Floris but, I don't really know.) Fundy started a campaign against Jschlatt."
"Yeah cuz he didn't do shit!" Tommy added.
Miss Puffy smiled again. She then continued to talk, "Yes. Floris opposed him and we still don't know if that's his real name. I won't tell you though Tommy! Anyways, he had this team with some popular vigilants. Skeppy, Doomsday, Siren, Dutchess of Water and etc. They had a plan to make a hero academy. But, turns out, someone found out about their plans. Jschlatt announced it first. Fundy's side, had lost. They had no proof that they had the idea beforehand. Most vigilants changed to heros. Some..didn't. Those that stayed vigilants were hunted down. Fundy and his team was also hunted down. And I...
I had the job to kill Fundy."

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