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He leaves and smiles at Wilbur who can't manage to say even a word to a customer. He just points at the menu and then the column
'Name'. Pretty surprising that it actually works. He hugs Tommy as soon as he is back, "FINALLY YOU'RE HERE!"
"Very welcoming. Now sit. I got a job to do."
Wilbur casually sits down and munches on his half bitten sand-wich. With his coffee, he makes even specks of sand stuck on his teeth; vanish. He smiles with a half open mouth ready to be filled with more sad.
"For the love of XD, Wilbur stop eating Sand! You are making me sympathetic because look at you. You're such a dip-shit monsters!" He said this with the most sarcastic voice ever. Wilbur eats the remaining Sand and then looks at Tommy, "What did I deserve to be called a monster? I even helped out, Thomas. It is Thomas isn't it?" Wilbur answered, going along with Tommy.
"Yes and you are a monstrosity of a man. You called me a child, I synthesis you for being so blind. And imagine eating sand. You stole that most likely."
Wilbur stand up, "Common sense man. Not most likely. Anyways, do you want a pack? For the road?"

Tommy nods and Wilbur hands the bag. They both close the shop where they get a cab. Sand eating runs in the family I guess because Tommy ate a bit too. It didn't taste like he expected, but he didn't expect anything. So yeah depends on you POV ig. After reaching home, Tommy points towards his clothes, "I haven't brought spares mate! And I'm going to the shower. Gonna need an extra towel."
Wilbur hands a dark red marron shirt, a towel and some rich people skincare cream. Tommy looks at Wilbur, annoyed, "You tryin' to mock me? Adding some rich people cream, touche."
"What? No! Everyone used skincare masks and etc. Wait...Do you not?"
"I'm broke as fuck what do you think? Not everyone can afford it!"
"How!? I can't remember the time I hadn't put on cream!" Wilbur responds like its a big thing. Tommy words come out as quite angrily then expected however he says, "Bro. All you need is a shower! Done with life and its just over. Now, if you'll excuse me."

Tommy leaves Wilbur speechless and takes a shower. Inside Tommy's room, Wilbur is standing and so is Tommy a suit looking outfit. Wilbur and they both wheeze, and then Tommy ties the suit across his waist. He cluches a pillow and throws it at him. This was a big mistake and an act of war. Wilbur grabs the pillow on the floor like its some sort of shield and drags himself towards Tommy. He screams and gets hit with a pillow. Wilbur laughs and Tommy cries weakly. With his other leg he pushes Wilbur away.
"I was wondering when you'd fight back and make this more interesting. Now take this!" Wilbur exclaimed while yeeting the pillow that Tommy threw at him before. Tommy tries to dodges it and I can say, he did not succeed. It his ba-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tommy screams, while now officially on the floor forever. It seemed like he could cry for the rest of the night and flood the house but then, there's a clicking sound of the door. Wilbur runs out the room, leaving Tommy on the floor. The Blade and Minecraft are greeted with a warm welcome and Tommy sees them walk past his door, in their costume. Tom coughed, and thought, Well I'm now 100% these guys are bad guys. Tommy cries to himself, quieter. He wipes his tears and reached for his phone. Dragging himself across the room, Tommy grabs it and connects the charger to it. He stands up, and the pain is bearable. He texts Ranboo, and the texts went something like:

Hey Tommy.

Hey. How have
u been Hottie?

Good thanks,
Tubbo kinda forgives me.

How "kinda"?

He lets me live in the house
And he cooks and stuff. But,
He doesn't speak to me. At all.

Bee boy will get over it man.

Thanks needed that.

Welcome XOXO ♡♡♡

Lmao you're trying to pull me
And failing.

Tommy walks out his door to see Minecraft in the middle of the hallway, talking to Wilbur. Tommy steps straight back in the room and shouts, "WILBUR YOU ABANDONED ME!!!" This message makes them both panic and Tommy laughs at that. Wilbur runs to the door and Tommy eye rolls. Wilbur leans next to door, making Tommy blocked to get out of bedroom. "Toms, they are here. They are just changing back from office clothes. They work at...Niki and Jacks! Yeah!"
Tommy looked innocent. Inside he was sweating more than Wilbur. If he sees them, who knows what might happen.
"Coincidence. My friends work there!"
"Hah, yeah. Well, sorry dude for like leaving you. Had to get the door you know?"
"I totally understand. Now, move. I gotta go."
"Go? Now you're abandoning me?"
Good topic change, Tommy thinks. He eye rolls and steps away from the door. He pretends not to hear the loud, "Phew!" Wilbur had said at that moment. Tommy yeets the other pillow across the room; making Wilbur fly across the hallway. Nobody tell this to Wilbur, but Tommy kinda made the pillow electrocuted so that is why. Wilbur falls with gratefulness to mock Tommy obviously but then, an unexpected thing happens.

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