The Egg Kidnapping.

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With some convincing, Sam was on the lines of "maybe" which is better than "NEVER." Big Q came from the other room saying, "That was a good stream. Im glad you guys didn't recycle my green screen."
"Yeah..." Purpled was not feeling it.
"Whats up Ugly Bitxh? Why the sad face?" Big Q teased. Purpled explained everything, since Big Q was trusted a lot. Despite being very rude, he was better than Luke, which felt like he was a second brother. Luke was mentally abusive, and always never home. He was raised by nobody, with his education and learning coming from just a run-away boy. Tommy. He didn't even know anything about him, let alone even seen him before, when he just let him inside his home. [READ TOMMY'S STORIES!] Now, Purpled, knew him more than anyone in the room. Grayson [irl name] couldn't let Tommy think lost Grayson. Again.
"I earn a shit-ton of money. You wouldn't have to give me any money like the poor person I am," Purpled listed. Big Q was not letting him go. "No, I liked give you 10% of my monthly income!!"
"Not the time for jokes, it would help frantically and with some evidence. We need to make sure that Hannah doesn't tell anyone," Purpled took a deep breath,and finally said, "Theres a traitor among us."
Everyone except Sam laughed. "AMONG US-"
Big Q was dressed in a suit, and he was going to go to the Egg, with Purpled to plant TnT. But, Tommy didn't wanna hurt anybody so it was a difficult situation. Tommy had Purpled's old suit, since he didn't have one himself. He looked down and then took a breath, "Well, the skylights opened, Big Q."
"Nah, Chaos. I think I should mention this, but, we have to bomb the place. Its our only choice."
"No, it really isn't. We cam work around it!" Tommy blurted out, loudly. People looked up, to see nothing. Big Q had a hand around his mouth. "Dang it Tommy."
"Sorry...I just don't wanna hurt Purpled. And Noah...Hes also down there."
"Whos Noah?" Questioned Big Q.
"A friend of mine. He is protecting Purpled. Look," he pointed to Purpled in an apron, with a figure in a shark hoodie next to him. They were talking to BBH, and his eyes directed straight towards him, with no flinch whatsoever. A giant smile came across Skeppy's face. A creepy smile, and he stared down at the duo. Big Q transformed himself into Zak. He looked at Tommy, and softly spoke, "Well, I think, we need to kidnap that man. But thats Sirens expertise. I'll stay up here, and transform back into myself. You go down, click button and you'll look like yourself."
"But where is he?" Tommy looked around, making Quakeppy snigger.
"Fox's shop."
Wilbur was around Fundy, giving him comfort and putting names around drinks. Tommy walked in, and Wilbur stared. He hid behind the counter. Fundy, confused, said, "Hey Tom! Why are you here?"
"Well, uh, uhm...Fundy, do you know who Siren is?" Tommy whispered acting like he didn't know who his identity was already.
"Oh, uhm..I can't tell you that information," Fundy pointed out. "What would you like to know?"
"Well, Big Q, Quackity sent me to fetch him. I dont know who he is, but seems like a good lad. We need his help with something," Tommy whispered into his ear. Fundy nodded.
"Hes hiding in the back, he helped me. Hey! Can you, put the apron on?" Apron was a code word for mask. Tommy opened the door to see Siren nibbling on a sandwich.
"Welcome Tom, I guess we meet again," Siren said, with his mouth now stuffed.
"Oh shut it. Your 'teamate' sent me, now come on," he pulled on his hand leaving from the fire exit. He clicked a button, and then was in a suit.
"Youre a villian now?" Siren was super confused. "Purpled's outfit?"
"I borrowed it. Plus, I am only in it so nobody thinks its a new supervillain. They know nothing about new fit, and here I am," he did a twirl. Siren stammered, "W-What. Now uh, where we going?"
"Why, just a place right in front of you."
Siren leapt up to rooftop, to rooftop, till he was on the skylight. Big Q, quietly opened the window, with just a small creak. They could hear Purpled speak.
"Well, I think I could do the job, right? You need my guardian? Well here's my brother, Noah," he pointed towards him and he awkwardly smiled.
"Yes, haha, uhm...I think he is great. He told me once, The Egg is a beautiful place where you could be yourself," Noah pushed his shoulder. BadBoyHalo smiled and he noted down Grayson's name.
"Perfect," Bad said then pointed towards the back.
"Why is Grayson there?" quietly asked Siren.
"We need to kidnap Skeppy. So, yeah, let's go," Big Q or Quakeppy, pushed Siren to the side. Siren raised his hand as they gently opened the next skylight. The air inside was refreshing and calm, and removed tension. But, Tommy's heart was beating fast. Purpled and Foolish were risking life, just because of him. Skeppy had soup all over his apron and face, and his eyes were bright blood red. Siren then called out, "Hello Skep. Goodnight."
And so Skeppy fainted. Foolish then acted like he wasn't there, and then Siren pointed towards him, "Why don't you do the sa-"
"Dont finsh that, he's on our side," Tommy stopped him and saved Noah.
"Great, now what do we do with Skype here?" Quackity asked, pulling him up.
"I say death," Siren clutches his fists, but didn't commanded.
"No, we need him alive," Purpled intrupted.
"Fineee, lock him in the shed," Siren said.
Big Q tossed Skeppy, and tied him up. Quackity then transformed into Skeppy, with the same blood red eyes. "Ew, whats this red thing? Period Blood!?"
"Soup, I think," Noah explained. Next Skeppy had a tray full of the room, and then, Siren, with the conventent poison he had, pored it all over the algae. "It won't effect anyone. But the soup will. Sadly, the soup effect can't be stopped. I tried everything," Siren claimed.
"Oh, Well, lets get back out before its suspicious and figure it out?" Tommy had gli,mpse of hope but there was no hope, or solution to this. Siren and Tommy climbed up the rope. Quakeppy walked out and the sighed.
"What took you so long?" Bad asked.
"I was telling them how wonderful the egg is Bad!" Quakeppy acted out.
"Yes, it's really cool," Noah mentioned.
"Yes, now, if you will excuse me, I want to get back to my work. Kindly give out the supplies of soups," Bad clicked his pen and concentrated on the task in hand. Noah whispered something into Quackity's ear, and then he said, "BBH, please kindly tell me, after I drank the soup, what happened to Hannah?"
"Not your concern Skeppy," Bad strictly said.
After passing out drinks, they realised that Bad was gone, and Noah closed down the shop as quick as possible. Connor, a customer, helped him be quick. He had he power of speed, with his hoodie being sonic. He then said, "Are you by chance a villian?"
"Uhm, no. I'm not."
"I just don't lie to me, I was a vigilant. I always wanted to be Sonic. So yeah. Anyways, I don't know how I am here. I just know im supposed to help you?" Connor responded, clearing up the trays. Noah pulled Connor towards the back door, where the rest stood.
"Dang it! More new members?" Siren sat on cooking table.
"Huh!? CONNOR!?" Tommy called out.
"Hi Toms," Connor called out, while speedly running around in a circle.
"Who is this?" Quackity transformed back into himself, and then said, "How do you know him?"
" neighbour," Tommy responded. A question stuck into Tom's mind.
"Why are you here?"
"Thank XD he is," Noah smirked and winked.
"I think we better move on, Connor you can come, if you like," Tommy manged to convince him.
"Where tf are we going?" Purpled asked.
"Their home, they are probably pleasing the Egg," Noah asked. Connor pulled on Tommy's hand, "Gotta go fast!"
He speeds though the streets like a maniac, and looked just like the blue blur with his hoodie. He stops when Tommy pointed at the home. "Should I go get them?"
"No, people will see them. For me, I'm in a civillian outfit now," Tommy said. They stepped in the home and Connor got out his phone for light.
"Huh nobody is-"
Suddenly,  A dark figure emerges from shadow and pulls Connor towards him.
"CONNOR!" yelled out Tommy. Then a tall demonic being looks straight dead at Tommy, before pulling him.
" to," Tommy shivered in the incessant dark. Then a soft voice spoke while brushed his hair, giving light strokes, "Then don't. Sleep Child."

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