Drug Cartel/We didnt start the fire!

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Wtf. Tommy is this true?" Wilbur asked.
Techno walked in, sat down and observed. Tom shakes his head, "Its no-"
Alex jumped from his seat, "You're too slow. Yes it is 100%. Thats why you saw that glimpse of a woman. Remember?"
Tommy turned to Alex who was helping him lie. Did he know? Alex continued to explain that Alex allowed him to go up there and earn some money he also decided to add in, "This was one of 6 people who did it. MOST Drug Cartels do better huh? Its because he is underaged and peope don't wanna be involved with police you know? So I allowed him while we were eating."
What the hell is up with this false lie?! Couldn't you think of something I don't know better? He thought. The thought of thinking that you are a 'drug' dealer, when you're in reality, just a average, un-normal, God stuck to his brain. But Alex made it too believable.
"Holy Shit. After im out of the hospital im gonna join you," Wilbur said with a hug.
"Whats your parents number again? Was it +44...." Phil joked.
"I don't have parents."
"Oh," Techno said, jumpscaring everyone except Tommy. He walked inside without any notice. "Ok."
"We adopt you. You are now our 3rd Child," Philza answered, still joking. Quackity looked at Tom, who started to question life.
"Wilbur and Tecno are my 'brothers' then?" Tommy sarcastically questioned.
"Stop! You're going to make me tear up," laughed Wilbur.
"I have Wilbur and its hard. Now Tommy? Darn, I have to have a chaotic child in my room," Techno muttered.
"Techno, I am sorry. But I wanna say, arson is a fine choice," replied Alex.
"Yeah don't burn my house down," Philza sighed. "Its expensive."
"Insurance, Phil. Insurance."
"How did I raise you?"
Wilbur and Tommy were awkwardly staring at them; knowing that outside, the acidic rain caused fire. They both wondered with The egg had insurance.
Meanwhile, Tubbo and Ranboo were singing?
"We didn't start the fire! Oh yeah! We didn't start the fire!" Tubbo shouted.
"I'm glad your back to normal. Without the villian stuff," Ranboo smiled.
Tubbo gave a snigger, then said, "I'm still thinking about it. Why don't you wanna be a villian, Ran? They did so much to us. And that fellow, Wilbur. He did tell us that we don't help at all. You wanted to be one too."
"You care what others think?"
"No, you do."
Ranboo had nothing to say as Tubbo stuffed himself with another cupcake.
"How could I be against the heros? Captain, your mother, was a hero. She left and wanted you to continue right?" Ranboo mentioned. "You got the wrong story, Tubs. We can't fight the HEROS. The villians, they damage things," He continued. Tubbo ate another cupcake, then he grabbed one and threw it at Ran. Effortlessly, he catched it and Tubbo smirked; "Well, That's my point. Its just ha- difficult. It fuxking difficult! I can't believe I wasted my time. They will never get my job back. Lets face it. Maybe you could continue?"
"I-I...Why? Just don't please. I need you on my side. Sorry, thats crony."
"Yeah. It is."
"W-Will you stay? Stay and... have h-hope?" Ranboo stuttered. Tubbo sighed, then nodded.
"Thank you."

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