Your new FRIEND

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Tommy wakes up to 50 missed calls from Tubbo and estimated to about 100 messages.
He groans and reads through every single one, like it was an essay he had to read. He quicky felt tired so he instead went to brush his teeth, take a shower, eat and etc. He then recalls the events from yesterday and then quickly calls Tubbo. The call went something like this:
"Your not my mother Tubbo. Plus, I had my phone switched off. I was watching a movie,"
Tommy answered. He felt like he was a world class liar. Its not like he wanted to lie to him, but why tell your very mother-like, worried, Best-friend that you got kidnapped the other night? Ranboo quickly snatched the phone away from Tubbo.
"Hey Toms! Tubbo has been worried sick about you! Do you wanna hang out?" Ranboo says, wanting to change the topic.
Tommy looks at his clock. Its 9:00 in the morning. He needs to go to his job, but he feels bad for abandoning them last night.
"Are you there, Big man?" Tubbo asks. Tommy realised he zoned out.
"Yeah mate. I guess we can hang out. Only for an hour. Be lucky im giving you my amazing company at this time. If the shops been robbed, I'd probably have to go quicker."
He ends the call and picks out an amazing classic shirt. It has red sleeves but it's white on the inside. He wears it and runs out to his door until he realised he never asked where they were supposed to be meet up. He messages Ranboo;
Hey Hottie 😘
Where are we meeting?
Near the community house,
Also is my name still Ranboob?
Change it or else I'll tell
Tubbo you called me Hot

Tommy smiled at the texts. He shouldn't be worried, its just his psycho friend that jokes about marrying the guy he just called hot.
I changed it, happy?
*Tommy sends screenshot*
Tommy smirks and changes it straight back.
Good. See you there.
Tommy arrives at the community house where its all packed and loaded. He squeezed though the crowds to go to Tubbo and Ranboo. They sit at the drinks table, where Ranboo is seen munching food and when Tommy comes near him he ask, "Do you think you could kill a man?"
Tommy panicked. "What."
Tubbo smirks, "We are serious."
With that smile, not at all. Tommy hesitates to say, no as he gets a short flashback.
Tubbo laughs and Ranboo gives him an annoyed face, "Its a serious matter."
Tommy thinks, Only if they knew.
"Well, how come community house is so crowded and populated?" Tommy asks looking around to what looked like half the population of L'manberg. Tubbo looked to Ranboo and Ranboo looked towards him back
"We don't know."
A person, brown hair and brown eyes, steps into view. He's got a a yellow sweater and a annoyed look on his face, "Its because its Dream's birthday. They celebrate the the superheros rather than the God's now. So stupid. They say hAppY bDaY xD. But then throw this for Dream. I lost faith in humanity."
Tommy smiles at the stranger and Tubbo and Ranboo look clearly offended.
"I agree! We prioritise him, but does he prioritise us? There's so much crime in L'manberg. Haven't seen him down here."
Tubbo coughs, "Well, he's not the best but others are. I like that...Whats his name? Doomsday. He is mostly there stopping bits of crime."
The man sighs, "I'm Wilbur by the way. And, I understand. Doomsday is a nice hero. However, he doesn't stop crime. He helps cillvians moan their lawns only occasionally he'll step in."
Ranboo hugs Tubbo who is currently trying to hide his rage, "Umm, I like Enderman. He and Doomsday are good duo that don't hurt innocent civilians unlike the Siren of example."
Bad example, Tommy thinks to himself.
"Siren is quite cool infact. At least he's not rotting on the streets helping cats out of trees. He's out there, doing what he wants. Mad respect for that," Wilbur says, noticing how annoyed they got. Tommy looks towards both of them, annoyed. "Stop arguing. I like some of the hero side and most of the villians side but..Even i know we shouldnt call them out like that. At least we got free food. Thats all I seriously care about. Im broke as fuck."
Wilbur gives a quick snigger and then heads back for a while. Tommy smiles at the person as he walks away.
He turns to Tubbo who is currently so mad, the wall is dripping paint. Tired, he just stuffs some cupcakes down his mouth.
"Mhm! This is actually really good. What's in them?"
Tommy is relived that Tubbo is back to his original state. They eat and head to work. Tubbo works with Ranboo at a company. He is the assistant of a woman and man named Jack and Niki. Its in the corner of L'manberg so it's quite lucky that he ever met them. In reality, he met them when he was on a train and then shit went down and everyone was blaming Tubbo for the fight. Tommy spoke up for Tubbo and then they became friends. He also had a friend named Ranboo so there. 2 new friends from a few words.
He walks in, looking at the camera now in bin however, customers have really gone. He decided to watch the whole scene.Turns out, the shop employee was "hypnotised" and gave him money. Fake news.
A ding caught Tommy off guard, he groans and looks up. Its Wilbur.
"Hey, Tom? Is that your name?"
Tommy gives him a simple nod when he looks at the name badge. It says Tommy. However, Wilbur doesn't notice.
"Anyways, what would you like?"
"I don't know, what good here?"
"Me," Tommy replys with a hair flick.
"To drink."
Tommy points to the menu. He looks at it and after a throughly inspection he makes his choice, "A Iced Tea please."
"Took you long enough." He said, while eye rolling. He realised he forgot the name of him. He walks up to him, "What was your name again?"
"Forgot already? Thats sad. Its Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."
Tommy stares at him. He thinks he's joking. He tries holding back tears. Wilbur takes notice and says, "Hey, Whats wrong?"
Tommy takes a shaking breath, "Nothing, you remind me of my dead cousin. Thats all."
Tommy goes back to the counter, he gives the drink to Wilbur. He feels way to tired to call out the names. Wilbur looks at the drinks name, "Wilby?"
"I-I uh..thats what...I uh...I used to call him."
Wilbur looks at the drink, There's something about that name that he recognise but he can't put his finger on it. He smiles at him, but it quickly fades away. He was about to cry. Wilbur understand so he hugs Tommy. Tommy wants to tell him, but how would he believe him? He goes to the counter and continues like its a normal day but glances back to him all the time. Wilbur wants to start a conversation with him, however he understands how he's feeling. He decides to stay and write songs till then end of his shift. Its the afternoon and Wilbur is so focused, he doesn't notice Tom standing right in front of him. He realises that his attention is to the page so he sits down and reads it. The title suggests that he is in love. Its called "Your new boyfriend." Wilbur notices his shadow leaning over to see what he has wrote so he quickly hides the paper with an awkward smile. "What is that title? You have an ex?" Tommy observed. Wilbur shyly covered his face, "No! Its just..I like making songs about emotions im feeling. I felt betrayed few days ago..and I made this. A stalker who is going insane because someone is giving the other one attention. Its...Hard to explain."
Tom gets confrontable in his seat, "Well, Alright. Anyways what with you and villians? You like, defended them?"
Wilbur smile quickly fade away, he felt caught.
"Uh..Well..I just don't like heros that all. They get too much attention for the good deeds they do. Its like...Villians that were heros before helped so many. Never got a big birthday celebration did they?"
Anybody could put 2 to 2 together, Wilbur is jealous of the Heros. Tommy doesn't notice.
"What do you think...Of Siren? Your friends talked about him. So I wanted to know what your opinion might be," Wilbur wondered.
Tommy almost tries to stall but doesn't.
"Well, he is a cool guy. Not cooler than The Blade though! I honestly think he is a nice fellow who just wants what's best," Tommy responds. He looks at Wilbur who is now smiling a bit too much. He couldn't be more obvious. "Anyways, Wilbur, you are good lad. Do you want my number? Be happy I even suggested. Only some lucky people get it."
They both talk a bit and Wilbur helps with the cleaning. Wilbur leaves after he gets a call and Tommy takes this as his chance. He quickly takes the broken camera that was placed next to the bin and runs to the larger bin outside. He sighs, "No evidence should be remaining."
"Yeah, that could have ended badly."
Tommy looks around. It's Siren?
"Siren what are you doing here! Wilbur is around!" He reminds him by pulling him into the shop, shutting all blinds.
"Is he brown haired?'
"Yeah why?"
"Oh I hypnotised everyone around the shop. He probably went home."
Tommy asks the obvious question that is staring him at the face.
"Why are you fucking here?"
Siren hesitates for a moment. Looks like he is questioning his own decisions.
He confessed, "Well, I thought we could be friends. And I wanted to know if you told anybody about me and you."
"Re word that phrase. It sounds weird."
"Geez, no need to shout. Here is a leftover drink. It's Wilburs. The Soot Singer."
Siren blushes. Wait Tom knows my singer name. Is he a fan?
Siren wants to ask but he can't. He may reveal his identity you know?
"Eh. Any other villians know about you kidnapping me?"
"If the others did, They'd tell Minecraft and I'd die." (Minecraft= Philza)
Tommy laughs, "Long day innit? Why don't you tell your dad that?"
"Its so obvious man. That you guys are family. Blade was hard to figure out but yall are so similar."
Siren groans, "Now you know too much."
Tommy says without no care in the world, "Ok."
Tom climbs on his back when Siren takes him above to the rooftops. Its quite a view. The pink and orange fade into eachother like a mesmerising painting. Siren adjust his masks to make him see it better. It has little peep holes that allow him to see. Tom decides to sit down and sip his drink. Wind whistles and whispers up to his ears. Its refreshing almost.
The cool breeze suddenly hot. Hot like an explosion. Its coming from behind him. They both look back. Its doomsday and Enderman? What are they doing here?
"Let go of the civilian Siren! After you hypnotised him, I've been patrolling this area."

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