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The shift didn't finsh quickly, but the person, Eret, decided to appear and do his shift which was yesterday. This meant Wilbur and Tommy could hang out. Noah, who read the note, decided to go to Drista. They were set.
"Yeah so, I know that the restaurant called the egg just opened. Wanna go there?" Wilbur asked, pointing towards it. Tommy felt a sudden shiver. He walked backwards towards Wilbur. Shall he tell him?
"A friend of mine, called Hannah, went there. She loved it! She recommended it highly. Could stop talking" Wilbur realised it. "Is that a bad thing? She kept talkin' about-"
"The egg being an amazing place, where you could be free, do anything you want. The egg being beautiful, and felt like a human maybe?"
"Yes...Exactly? What? Tommy how do you know this?" Wilbur started to move away.
"Idiot. I know it because I've met the owner! BadBoyHalo. Can't believe the hero started a restaurant."
"What...Right, I think we should investigate," Wilbur responds, fixing his jacket. They walk in, it looks normal except the algae scattered everywhere like in the home when Tommy got kidnapped. They were greated with a warm, welcome, "Welcome to the notorious egg. I hope you enjoy your stay. Maybe it will be longer than one day." Zak walked away.
"Sus. Already very sus!" Tommy shouldn't have said that out-loud. As Wilbur walked away, he said, "Yes...Lets find clues Tommy.."
"Tommy?" Zak turns around and asks.
"Have I seen you before?" Tommy asks; trying to change the topic.
"No, not all. Just hurry up!" Zak starts to rush, putting them on a table. Hannah comes in, with a red outfit and with a mask. She sighs, and then puts down a soup. "Free for my friends."
"Hannah is that you!?" Wilbur exclaimed.
"No, we keep it a secret. Shush..." She giggles.
This why the gods showed themselves to Tommy. To protect him from the egg. And his security? He told him to go away.
"Yeah, the soup looks nice. Im gonna go to the bathroom, don't drink without me."
"Perfect. I know you'll love the drink and the egg as much I have. Its amazing place, where you could be free, do anything you want. The egg is beautiful, and its like a human!"
"Holy- roses, wtf!?" Wilbur shouts.
"Drink the soup. I dont care who you are, I need you to drink the soup!" Hannah screams.
BBH walk closer, "What do we have here? You're with Tommy right?"
"Foolish! I need you to read this letter. Please, arrive now. Im in trouble with the egg!" The letter said as it was electrocuted. The letter disappeared, and Drista appeared with XD at the back. The first thing XD said was; "Ow."
"My brother is in trouble; is there anything you could do to save him? You're fucking Gods I know it was 'Foolish' of me; but please. Help me save him!" Tommy yelps for help.
BBH has Wilbur take a spoon but as soon as it reaches him mouth, Tommy runs in.
"Sorry for the delay! You started without me? Come on man!" Tommy runs and Wilbur gives a "phew".
"Tommy? Tom...Wilbur drink up!" BBH forces the drink into Wilburs mouth. Wilbur has good senses; so he looks away before that happens. He coughs and spits the ingredients that caught his mind on the floor, "Digusting! Hey Tom." Wilbur acts like nothing happend, and how's he wasn't forced.
"Hey. Hello, Bad? Is that your name?" Tommy smiled. He liked the chaos of pretending.
"You're the immune boy. You're the immune boy!" He panicked. Bad calls for Skeppy and Skeppy walks towards Tommy. "Hey. Before things get out of hand, I suggest leaving. Do it before the 'egg' fights you."
They run out and Tommy looks by to see it being a crazy fight. Dream is fighting Quackity right now. That would be the work of XD. Everyone from the egg, evacuated towards the safest building, the bunker made to protect civilians. This place though, was in Pogtopia. The civilians went to the hotel, where he worked. Tommy started to smile at the chaos. He hugged his brother tightly, "Wilbur, you spat everything out yes?"
"Of course. Ima tell you something about the egg first."
With those words, Tommy got scared.
"The eggs is a fucking bitch and it hope that place burns down!" Wilbur shouts. Dream and Quackity then come tumbling towards them.
Dream, magically pulls up Quackity, but falls towards Wilbur instead. Wilbur coughs blood. Dream looks at Wilbur and Wilbur faints. The news anchors, record the whole thing. Dream gets up, and then starts fighting again.
"Hey! Wilbur can you hear me?!" Tommy shouts.
"Its hard to be awake. Im sorry," Wilbur trembled, blinking slower, and slower. Big Q does a flip above Dream and then shape-shifting into a bird. He flys himself up towards Wilbur and then grabs his arm arm. He pulls the both away from eachother. Dream, then runs towards Quackity, using telekinesis, pulls Big Q towards the ground. He keeps him there for a solid minute, before pulling Wilbur. "Of course he had to stand at where the fighting was," He spits.
"Dream? What are you doing?!" Tommy shouted trying to pull them.
The news anchor followed Dream. Tommy realised it. Dream is acting.

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