Too much for one night

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What!" Tommy screamed. She had to be messing with him. He looked up to the dark black spikes, protecting him and stopping him from just jumping from this polished grey-bricked rooftop. The atmosphere was melancholy and with a twist of suspense. The air seemed to slow down, every time one of them spoke. Drista decides to sit down and tell him, her real story. Everyone knows the tale. Drista and Dream XD are siblings who protected eachother. Drista is hell, Dream XD is heaven. They have the balance. But there's more, the God of Chaos, Blood and Music, were the sons of an angel. They were sent to Earth with no memories. The God of Chaos was believed to have caused havic, but they never did so. Thomas Simons, the God of Chaos never did so. Tommy hesitates for a moment. Its a lot to take in; but he knew he was related from the start to them. He looked back at Drista who had disappeared. There was no spike barrier anymore, or even a trace of evidence that she was ever here. Alex stepped to the rooftop and ran towards Tommy (DONT SHIP THIS!). Tom had only just felt his own tears and then Wilbur stepped back up, tearing up himself, "WHERE WERE YOU?! YOU LEFT US WORRIED!"
"Wilbur, can you go for a second. Ill speak to Tommy. I think I can handle this better than you."
Just like that, Wilbur was gone. Alex turned to Tommy, "Mind explaining?"
"Wilbur is my brother, Tecno is my brother and Philza is my dad..." Tommy was trembling.
"What!" Alex shouted, louder than it should have been. Tommy sniffled his nose. He then said, "At a young age...12..I was a vigilant... Zeus. And I...Did something against the law."
"What was it? And you were Zeus? Ah, I remember him being short. Anyways continue."
"So, I killed someone..."
"WHAT!?" This scream could break windows and could be heard from miles away.
"Shut it Big Q!" exclaimed Tommy.
"Big Q? Oh so you knew. I don't fucking care to be honest. Who did you kill by the way?"
"Someone from Jschlatt team," Quackity looked to the side, clearly smiling. Common ground was found within hatred.
"I killed him because I had no choice. He was going to kill a family of 3. The kid looked 4 so of course! They wanted to clear up and hide the information, so they forced TimeStopper to wipe my family's memories."
"Karl...." Alex muttered to himself
"Karl?" questioned Tommy
"That was his name. I hate Jschlatt too, Tommy. He ruined my friendship."  He groaned. He was so angry his fist were clunching up.
"How so?" He asked, curious.
"Me, Karl and Nick moved in together. We were inseparable. Till we weren't"
Alex was on his phone texting his best-friends at 12:00. Villians and Heros were fighting during this time, Alex felt a bit guilty leaving his team, but he was still healing from the injuries last time. One of his eyes was blind, but to make sure his friend didn't notice, he added eye contacts. Karl came back with 4 injuries, on his legs and arms. He fell to the floor, and was unconscious. Nick (Sapnap) told them it was gang fight, but Alex was on the news website. He was aware of the suspension behind the situation.
"I asked Karl, after he woke up. He couldn't take it anymore, so he told me. I told him too. Few days were left in awkwardness but life resumed. Till I heard them," Alex added.
"Nick, we can't keep living like this. Jschlatt is getting suspension from us always giving up on Quackity tasks. He might find out!" Karl cried. Nick was looking away, he can't even lock eye-contact on Karl. Nick then finally spoke up, "He knows. He threatened me."
"WHAT?!" Karl screamed.
"He said if we don't forget about him, we'll be kicked out and they'll kill Quackity. If he stays in this house longer, they can put 2-2 together, figuring out Qucakity identity."
"We have to then..."
"Jschlatt's a bitch! I can't believe it! He ruins everything!" He complains. Alex smiles. He can't help but laugh and shed a tear. They leave as they were being watched by Wilbur. Vast clouds stretched across the night sky when Wilbur said, "Pretty Night Sky. The stars are shining bright and beautiful."
Tommy realised this was his que to leave and left the 2 alone. Alex nodded, "I agree. Not as pretty as you though."
Wilbur blushed at Alex's pick up line and shouted (the moment is up for POV you can say Quackbur but not to). Tecno was in the hallway, leaning against the peachy-white wall. Tom decides to copy his mentor. But Tecno realises, staring at him. His stare was cold, making him realise who had the upper hand here. Tommy changed his posture quick.
Tecno pointed his eyes to next of him, and his head as in, go there. He started to walk too, with Tommy behind. They walk into Charlie still crying, just more softly. He wipes his tears and then jumps up, to pretend like nothing happened. Charlie hugged Tommy on his shoulder and continued to cry. Tecno picks him up, and then drags him without any sore muscles, a grunt of pain or even a noise. Tommy can't bare the silence so he ask, "Is he drunk?"
"Yeah, don't worry. He lives here. I'll drop him off his bed. He can fall asleep," Tecno responds. Tommy gets a sense of comfort when he sees someone on the stairs waving to him. Its Drista. With a blink, shes gone. Tommy sits down, putting the news on.
"Minecraft and Sapnap are battling 1v1 on the football stadium right now. Fans watching have sat down, and cheered for our beloved hero. Minecraft, unfortunately, isn't giving up this fight. He has several injuries, and oh look! Dream has arrived!"
Tommy clicks the remote button off instantly. He takes a posted-note saying, "Gone on a walk. BrB."
Tommy runs to the stadium, but half-way there, he runs out of breath. He'll collapse if he goes further. Drista appeared behind him without a sound and jumpscares him. He flinches away from her and takes a hypervated breath, "Minecraft! He needs help! Please Drista. Could you h-"
-Creative. Telporting Thomas Simons to coords.-
"You're welcome." She disappeared again. Tommy runs inside. He sits down right at the end and then, water droplets. Everyone scattered away as Sapnap takes a lot of damage. Dream fight Philza, but the rain makes Sapnap faint. Suddenly, the rain stops. Tommy smiles at his work, and then runs with the crowds.
"A job well done, Thomas," Its XD. They are at the stadiums lockers, and in the door is Drista. "Drista told me you found out?"
"Yeah, is this what you meant by the answers?" Tom asks.
"Yes, now; with the time, I see that you are powerful. Your title does not match your power. Yes, the weather is chaotic, but why must that be your name?"
"I like that name. God of Chaos, got a nice ring to it."
"What matters the most Thomas, is what you like. Are you sure about keeping it?" Xd repeatedly said trying to make sure.
"More than I could ever be."
Philza was hurt, very bad. He couldn't call anyone, with no phone to even reach their. He picked up any left energy inside him, and started to limp his way towards his home. He spreads out his wings, and tries to fly, but with so less of energy, he screams out towards the sky. His injuries are making this worse. Philza sees a sight, someone with wings at the door. Could he be hallucinating? He was still far away to notice too much, but it was a tall figure with dark brown hair.
"What in the XD?"
"Hello, Minecraft"

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