Which side?

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"Thank God I did. Saw on the news." Litrally thank god. Drista and XD couldn't have helped more. Their involvement should be clear, how did Tommy get half way across the city fast? But I guess its not something Nurse transformed Quackity catched on to. He span around looking around if anyone was watching them. "So, who helped you get there? Was it a villian? Hero?"
"No, I got there by another secret way."
"Powers?" Alex questioned.
"You could say that," Tommy answered. Quacknurse walked back in and Wilbur watched them with observant eyes. Tommy followed, looking at the floor. He suddenly felt guilty to keep a secret. He noticed how Ranboo and Tubbo would have felt. He was the wrong-un. To avoid this feelings and to get attention to himself, he hugged Phil, who woke up. Phill hugged him back with a whisper, "You didn't tell them about Xd did you?"
"No," Tom whispered back. "Definitely no."
Wilbur got up from his seat he looked at Quackity, staring. "Maybe we ask the doctor to come here and tell us if he is staying overnight?"
"Why? They are a nurse! They should know right?" Tommy had to make it believable, plus he enjoyed the fun. Wilbur took a breath and then got interrupted by Tecno, "Theres a difference between a nurse and doctor Tommy. Out of everyone you should know."
Wilbur calmly nodded and then Tommy remembered everytime he healed Siren. If he had a nickel for everytime he healed him, he would have 2 nickels which isn't a lot, but, its weird it happened twice. Tommy smiled while Philza stepped up saying, "I think I'm fine mate. I guess I'll go back home. Charlie needs emotional support. Lets go home."
Tommy was heartbroken to go to his apartment. He got to used to Wilburs home, but he can't go back now. Wilbur had gone so was their car. And Puffy booked a appointment to meet tomorrow. All he can his sleep.
And a blurry version of a woman came, and like that. Goodnight.

Tommy woke up, having a usual amount of energy. He got ready, and then there was knocks. Ranboo and Tubbo were at the door.
Ranboo and Tubbo were slowly getting back to becoming super close again. Tubbo had been ignoring him, for speaking a rude sentence. But he was up for criticism now, and wanted to say sorry. His mother helped a lot, and she heard both POV(S).
"Let go, he's not here," Tubbo muttered.
"I have hope he didn't forget! Just wait!" Ranboo shouted. They both knocked again and Tubbo gave him a "told you so face."
Out of the blue a BANG. Tommy kicked the door open, almost hitting Ranboo. Its good that Tubbo has got good reflexes and pushed him away. "Can we come in?"
"No, you can go fuck off. What do you think? Come on Boob Boy and Tubs. "
"Thanks Bossman!" Tubbo exclaimed.
They sat down and they started talking to help fix and solve their lack of communication. Ranboo set a list of things to talk about, as Miss Puffy had spoken to them both. The list wasn't long, but not short either. They found ways to help overcome this, and Ranboo and Tubbo were gone like never there. A call from work, they said. As soon as they were gone, he went to the TV and skim and scanned for any appearances of them.
"The Blade is getting revenge against Sapnap, and Karl Jacobs is against Quackity. Im getting some news that Doomsday has appeared with his partner, Enderman!"
They took Wilbur words to consideration then
(previous chapters, around the start).

He headed for work, which was awkward because Drista was there. She got up to the counter soon, and ordered, "Could you get me Caramel Original Mocha Exactly At 12? Thanks let me write that for you." She snatched the notes out of his hands, and wrote it down it. She put a note saying, "Read the first words."
Tommy started on it quickly. He took a pen and circled them all. C for Caramel... Oh! The message. Its Come at 12? Right. Understandable.

The time, was now 12:00 but Tommy didn't realises. Drista decided to come back at the counter, and then told him, "Hide..."
A noise. Flames were outside and the chaos was spreading like a wide-fire inside too. Sapnap and Rocket Duo were fighting. Theres was almost every chess piece outside the door and Drista started to evacuate everyone. Tommy smiled at the chaos. Maybe he was going insane, but it seemed like the villians were finally winning. He ran to the alleyway, while Drista wasn't looking. There was someone in there. "Stop. You a villian? Have you put you disguse or mask on?"
"Catch on, I'm one of the good guys. Well, bad guys technically!" He shouted, making thunder strike where GNF was standing. Dream protected him and they continued fighting.
"Who are you?"
"Could ask you the same. Now, have you got it on yet?"
"Yes, I have now."
Tommy turned around. He was talking to Dutchess of Water. Tommy instantly turned around and bowed down. She smiled and then lifted her hand. It made Tommy jump, but nothing bad happened. She was getting a leaf out of Tommy hair.
"Hello. So you are?" She questioned.
"Uhm..Thomas Simons. Please call me Tom. I healed Siren. Isnt it kinda funny? His name is after that killer in the water and his power had nothing to do with it? I mean yeah, yours is a great name! Its princess of Water right?" Tommy found this women very intimidating so he blabbering on. Her costume, which was filled with blood, did not help at all.
"I'm not a princess, I'm a queen. And yes. I see you are scared. I don't like petrified people," She pointed out.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" Tommy blurted out. "Lets get back to the fight shall we?"
"Yes, don't get yourself hurt! Thank you, don't do anything to help us!"
Tommy was left with practically a threat that he was going to not follow. While fighting, Tommy felt a sudden shiver. Siren was minuplating Doomsday to fight Enderman.
"Please don't. Don't. Don't. Don't. Don't!" Ranboo called out trying to fight back. An explosion created knocking Enderman to the ground. Tommy couldn't stand by, but he had to. As a consequence, he was hit by the explosion aswell and knocked unconscious.

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