The tour + Voices

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He woke up with a blurry vision of people. "Wilbur? Is that you?" Tommy asked.
Siren whispered to his team, "He knows my identity...Now what???"
"I say we hipnotise him and torture him," Blaze answers spitting at Tommy. Quackity steps in, "No! His vision is just a bit funny. He doesn't actually know!"
"Big Q? The Blade? What are you guys doing here with Wilbur? What am I doing here?!" Tommy exclaims joining the acting. Dutchess of Water hugged Tommy, with a breath, she grasped a wand and splashed him with water, "This outta do it. Its not Wilbur or whoever you are talking about. Its Siren, our Teammate. Not your mate."
Tommy dryed his hair with his hands he said, "Wheres Doomsday and Enderman?"
"Those guys...We didn't bring. I guess they are still at the battle field. The heros left them!" Blaze answered. Tom leaped up from the couch they put him on and then ran, ran as fast as he could. But, the door was locked. He slammed the knob over and over again.
"Tommy, its alright. You're safe!" Siren announced while running after him.
"Stop making this about me! Those people... They might have hurt you, Siren few days ago, but the did it with good intentions. They wanted to protect me. And now? I could return the favour. They tried. I didn't. So please, open the door!" He was starting to cry. The Blade started to go to the TV and soon, Tommy realised nobody was going to open it. The window was open, he thought. No, the window are too far away and would hurt me. He started to squish himself into a ball on to the floor, with silent crying. The Blade made the TV volume increase, the man was saying, "Its Tim Martin reporting live from the scene. This is the crater Doomsday had made earlier this morning, which Enderman and Doomsday have disappeared off to. They were here few minutes ago, but knowing Endermans power, as soon as he woke up, they telported away. Jschlatt has announced the news more."
Quackity looked at Tommy and came closer, "See? Nothing to worry about. They telported away. Most likely to a hospital!"
Tommy wipped his tears as Quackity toom him to the couch. The Blade shuffled to the side to allow, Tommy, Quackity, Siren and Blaze (Jack) to sit. Dutchess of Water sat down on the floor, as she knew her hair was wet, and didn't want to ruin the couch. Jschlatt came to the screen with a caption, 'President talks about the issues.'
"As for Dooms and Ender, as whatever you dip-shi- I mean deeply supportive people say, they were not assigned to this situation so it is not my fault they have gotten hurt. Ender was healed by the greatest healer and so was Day. They-" Jschlatt paused, taking a sip from his beer. "They are absolutely fine and won't be taking any more or further jobs. Now, thats my time. Turn that stupid camera off."
"Not very reassuring that the president said this but its all the conformation we have!" Big Q replied, trying to make Tommy feel better. Blaze was eye-rolling as he got up from the couch and left. Tommy looked around. He was at the supervillains base. The Blade finally said, "Right. I read in a book, the best way to start a conversation is introduction. Lets introduce ourselves to Tom here."
"Tommy," Tommy corrected.
"I thought there was that rule about no calling you Tommy?" Siren questioned.
"Leave the boy alone. Im Dutchess of Water, you met me earlier. My power is water as you may know," She answered.
"Quackity. You own me to take your old man to the hospital. We have a old man of ours too actually, we'll tell you about them soon!" Quackity enthusiasm lights the room. Its now Blaze's turn who just spits a fireball. "Blaze, and my power is fire. And Quackity's is Transformation as you may know. He told you didn't he?"
"Ingnoring that; you've met us more than once so we don't need to. Lets go to the next room."
Siren blindfolds Tommy and walks him there, and as he is walking he trips but someone catches him.
"You alright Tommy of Logstedshire?" Its a brunette with green slime across his body. He is green himself with a touch of lighter white. He grabs on to Tommy arm preventing him from falling more. Tommy can't see still so he just uses the man as a walking stick but then stops. Eww, he's so slimey. Is he slimecicle? Another man, this one's shadow feels very intimidating, walks up to Tommy, this moment felt like he was going to get killed. Then, all his worries go down the drain as he says, "Slime, you've put slime all over the guest! We need to welcome him and encourage him. Let me help you with that!" Tom feels 100% more safe. He directs Tommy to a chair and he skims and scans the room. It was filled with tecnology and gadgets and it takes him time to realise that he is left alone with the 2.
"I'm Awesam dude. Im in-charge of making sure the villians don't go to jail and their gadgets. Slime is incharge of what colours and Creative it looks. Asking me, kinda usless. Designs need to be practical not cool!" Awesam dude answers. Tommy realises he's heard this voice before. Was this Sam and Charlie?
"Hello, Tommy of Logstedshire. Im Slimecicle of Las Nevadas! Welcome!" Charlies counter villian part did not sound anything like his identity. But there's was feeling, feeling he knew this was Charlie. Awesam Dude started to stare at Tommy; am I supposed to say something? Tommy had a sudden moment of realisation, "Oh! I think colours and designs are important. It can make people intimidated like if it was bright colors, we wouldn't be scared, but since its gloomy and dull, we'd be a bit scared, now right?"
"Well, I suppose. Now, shall I show you around? The others wouldn't mind, I think. The blindfold is just the extra protection. I can trust you right?"
Tommy noded. Now comes for a full tour!

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