Quacknurse in the Hospital

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It was XD, with a bandage. He helped Philza's wing and then;
-Creative Enabled-
-Telporting Thomas Simons to you-
"What-? Where am-"
Just like that, XD was gone. Philza wasn't wearing his hero clothes or have any serious injuries, he was just weak and tired. Tommy decides that pretending was a good option. Pretending like he didn't know, pretending like he has no clue but in fact, he made the plan. Tommy carries Philza on a wheelchair from the disabled section, and then ask, "Whats with all the injuries?"
"I was running from the fight. Sapnap vs Minecraft, you know. While we were evacuated outside, because of the rain I slipped and fell to the ground. And I also had been stepped on, by the panicking crowd. It hurts me, but thank you. For coming."
"I didn't mean to come here, I was at Karaoke night and then back. Do you think we should mention this? Might be the work of XD."
"Tom, No. Just no. Gotta keep this between you and me!" Philza shouted.
Tommy suddenly stopped the wheelchair. He looked up at the sky, and touched his wings. Then his legs, and then arms. His whole side was broken, like how Siren fell off. Then, speak of the devil, Siren appeared, climbing down a drain-pipe on his way to his father. Tommy let go of the wheels, and Philza went speeding towards Siren. He stopped with Quackity, grabbed the seat. Siren looked disappointed. "You were supposed to hide in the trees. To be on lookout."
"So I should let this man just crash into you? I think not!" Quackity replied, with enthusiasm. Tommy decided to state the obvious, "So, are you here for Phil? Why are a bunch of VILLIANS here for a civillian. I just wonder if you guys might be related to him!"
Quackity winked at Tom, and then said, "Oh, I wonder why you let us even get near your presumingly father to us?"
Tommy was keeping his laugh inside. Siren then took up his hand and whispered towards Quackity, "Shall I hipnostise him?"
"No. Don't you dare. He doesn't know yet. I got a excus-"
"Ok, so why are you here?" Tommy interrupted. Siren looked towards Quackity and Phil, and then Quackity spoke up, "Well, I saw Minecraft on the news. I was coming by to see him, and then boom, Siren is telling me he knows you? And this man is clearly injured with need of medical help. Could take you there."
At the hospital, it was miracle that his injuries were not severe. It makes sense, Tommy treated his wounds. The doctor told Tom, "They were treated somehow beforehand" while Siren and Quackity hanged from the window. They made faces everytime anyone but Tommy were speaking. As the coast was clear, Tommy took out the camera, acting like it not his fault till he knew it was off. Quackity sneaked in, and then transformed into a female with a nurse outfit. "Good plan. Siren has gone for now. Instructed me to take care of you. I called his family don't worry."
Just like that, Tecno and Wilbur come bursting through the door and then run towards their father. Tecno sits down and then Tommy whispers into Quackity ear, "Hey, Are you spy right now?"
"Yes..Dont give me away."
"What happened?" Wilbur asked, looking like he was going to sob. Tecno sat there awkwardly, trying to confront his brother but it ends up being awkward. Tecno isn't known to be a comfort, therapist friend.
"Dont worry, are you all the children? Thomas was it? Thomas brought him in, and I called you. He is only unconscious."
"Oh thank XD!" Tecno shouts.
"Yes thank XD..." Tommy mutters to himself, recalling what happened. Quackity spins himself towards Tommy and then says, "Lets give these a moment. Come out with me"
Wilbur observes their movements as they rush out. Wilbur faces his father and goes in for a hug. Tecno eye-rolls and joins in too.
"That was nice of you Tommy," Quacknurse started. "We will be grateful."
"Its alright A-"
"Alice. My name is Alice."
"Righttt. Alice."
"How did you save the patient from that disaster by the way?"

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