Karaoke Night

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Tommy woke up, feeling a mixture of things. Should he be scared? Excited? Worried? Guilty? Today is the day that Tommy decided to leave Earth in. He heard from her mother, its good up their. In heaven. He loved the sky, So joining her mother and being on there is just wonderful. He climbs out of the bed, and crawls towards the shower. He takes clothes from the washing machine and then jumps towards the railing like a little kid. He slides down it, and then get toast. Tommy munches on it, and then sighs, "Today the day! At least God will know im joining him tonight."
"What that?" Philza ask as he steps in. Tommy stutters for a bit. He doesn't know what to say.
"Private, stuff."
"Ah, alright. What does it revolve on?"
"Everything does though."
Tommy can't help but smile. If Phil knew what he was talking about, he would say life too. It just a matter of description. Wilbur steps in,
and just waves. He currently looks sleep deprived and is limping with more than 60 bandages on his leg. "Hey."
"Hi. What's with the sad face?"
"Work," Wilbur responds. Tommy notices the bags under his eyes, and the news.
"Siren has appeared once again, with a full on fight. Dreams wounds have been treated."
Wilbur eye rolls to the lady speaking, its clear. Phil gives a signal, as in "stop" but he can't say it. Tommy smiles and presses play once again.
"Siren was left with a speculated fracture on the hand, so its clear we won't seeing him anytime soon."
"Thats what you think bitch..." He said under his breath. Philza just looked disappointed.
"We have here, Dream, and his friend. Its Scott Davis, reporting live."
Philza looked away from the camera and Tommy munched more on his toast.
"Siren did put up a good fight. It wasn't my intention 'to break a leg' but, what is done is done. Justice prevailed!" Dream shouted. Tommy was trying to smile. You could see his anger and how much he wanted to punch this man on the face. He worked with Jschlatt. It doesn't help Miss Puffy situation. Wilbur and his father took notice. Philza already noticed the patterns on why Wilbur and Tommy were friends. Dream publicly then started to announce, "I'm starting to think, we are re-opening to suggestions. My fellow color-blind partner thinks its something to do with the health care system. How are these villians coming back; un harmed?"
Tommy switched off the phone. He didn't wanna listen anymore and neither did the 2. Techno walks in, breaking the tension, and goes towards carrot soup. He drinks it and sits down. With a spoon full, he asks, "What's up?"
"Dream is back at it again. Tommy, and I, we dislike Dream remember?" He points out acting like he never talks about it. He needs a good alibi. Tommy fold his arms and then Techno speaks again, "I know, whenever I ask you, 'What did you Dream about?' You just give me a stare."
Philza looks disappointed at both of them now. They are being a bit to obvious to being villians; not civilians. Tommy grabbed his phone and then started to text Drista. Turns out, her brother might come to the cafe soon and he needs to make good first impressions. But today, isn't Tommy shift. Its the new guy, called "Eret" or "Eric" either way, Tommy wasn't paying attention to the meeting. Wilbur grabs a chair, sitting down with the most caution known to mankind. Tom couldn't help but laugh. Its just so happens that his leg is injured in the same way as the hero, but, he has a way to make sure that he isn't suspicious of them.
"Hey, did the pillow fight do that? Imagine-"
"Of course! What else could it be? Dream fighting me?" The scary thing is that it was indeed this, but Wilbur said this in such a way, that it convinced even Tommy and his own family. "A pencil would have done the same  damage," Techno whispered.
"Really? A pencil? Are you sure about that?"

Wilbur is too tired to argue so there's just a large sigh and Philza stepping out of the room. While leaving, he left a message, 'going to work. Invited your friends to Karaoke Night.' Tommy had completely forgotten about Karaoke Night. Alex (Quackity) had planned it a week ago with Wilbur, but he knows that more people are coming. Its just a matter of time, he knows who is.
"YeahICantWaitForItToBeKaraokeNight!" Technobladesays. Tommy nods in approval and Wilbur is left with a "What?"
They both wheeze; leaving Wilbur more confused.
Alex is practicing with the other Alex(Techno AND OK AUTHORS NOTE, WHENEVER I SAY ALEX NOW, IT WILL BE QUACKITY NOT TECHNO). Alex grabs his cup of wine; which by looks of it, is very expensive. Very clear he stole it. Techno gets a very easy kill on the yellow trying to oppose him. Getting someone's bed early is great, so while Techno did the slice and chopping with his sword, Alex sneaked in, getting their bed with TnT above. They called themselves the Prey duo (idk if that da name)-
"Lets go! We got Yellow!"
"Green my next target."
The chat went crazy! The game was won easily and Techno and Quackity got 18 kills. This was practice for the MCC tournament, so they got this in the bag.
It got late and it was time for Tommy to go to Karaoke. Tommy didn't even try to look smart and anything. Wilbur was in a full on suit, and then said, "I can't wait to have some drinks."
"Its at Quackity's house this year. Not at the bar," Techno told them.
"Whyyy?" whined Wilbur. Tecnoblade locked at him and his own forehead. He pointed at Tommy, a underaged 16 year old teenager. Will smiled. "I still get my drinks though."
"Righttt. Not too much though. Be careful. Now, if you will excuse me, I got to get my phone."
The house was practically a mansion with many mazes and twists and turns. Quackity greated the guest, taking them towards the table. His excuse was, 'he is a lucky twice reigning champion of the lottery and he had friends in high places.' Going to be honest, he is the friend. He lifted his drink and hugged Wilbur. "Wilbur! Techno! And...Tommy?"
"Yeah Tommy. I'm his friend."
"Right. You're the 16 one right? I got coke if you lik-"
Tommy speedrunned his way to the table coming back with about 16 cans of coke. One other guest arrived. He was called Charlie. They sat down and soon, Quackity spoke up, "Now, what is the song you do want?"
Wilbur was up first. He looked at Alex and then took a breath. Before he could say anything, Alex tapped on his drink. "Right so I know you are a good singer, so I don't want you to cover a song. I want you to sing your own song. That would be more embrassing."
Wilbur hesitated as Alex gave him a guitar. It shone and you could see your reflection on it. Knowing everyone's reaction, Alex told them, "To get this guitar, you need to know someone and be someone. Luckily, I'm both."
Wilbur smirked as Alex walked away. Charlie was currently smirking too, and spoke up, "Its fine if you don't; Wilbur of L'manberg but, may I ask what song you'll be playing?"
"Its called....Internet ruined me."
The song was calming but it sounds like it was...real. Tommy vibed through the song (AUTHORS NOTE IGNORE THE PART ABOUT THE GIRL-). The Internet ruined him by making him seem like the bad villian. Not to be cared about, like he wasn't a human. Techno was given the mic. The song he picked was jingle bells which seemed sus....
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=can8Kv-Chbw) the song was named mega walls, full directed to his MCC tournament group. Quackity stepped up and then yeeted a camera towards Charlie who was recording. The funny thing, while Wilbur and Tecno were singing, it was recording the whole time. The song was called, "Lets re-sub" also known as "I gotta feeling." As soon as Charlie droppes the phone to his knee, he signalled to Alex. He nodded and then started to sing, "Hey there Delilah."
Charlie started to smirk like the gremlin he is. He pointed towards the camera, who's light was still on. Alex snarled at him and Charlie mouthed the words, "Revenge."
Quackity and apart of this group, called QSMP. And, I think we may know the rest. ;)
"This one goes out, to my only huevo. Juanaflippa" Alex instantly smiled. The others, were left confused.
He goes on his knees,"Juanaflippa, you're my egg, and I want you so bad; I beg."
"Juanaflippa, you do flips. Where all I can do are mis-clicks," Charlie says while doing a flip.
"Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. I LOVEEE YOUUUU!!" Either he is on the verge of tears, or laughing. "HUEVO!" He adds.
"Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. I MISS YOUU!!" Tommy auto-matically assumes he is drunk.
"Quackity, Philza and My Bitch-Wife too! A 1000 fucking Court cases won't keep me from you...Juanaflippa on the QSMP." He had to specify QSMP because nobody except Alex knew that its just a roleplay. (LITTLE REMINDER THIS PART ISNT CANON TO THE STORY- I MADE THIS FOR FUN).
"I'll get her back you'll see!" He shouts as a tear cascaded down his face.
"Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa, Flippa. I LOVE YOU! YEAH HUEVO!" NEED MY HUEVO! WHERES MY EGG? I NEED MY EGG..." He breaks down into a metal breakdown. He sobs as Alex comforts him. Wilbur looks around the room, and finally says, "So, you guys are confused?"
Tommu blinks twice with a "obviously!" expression. Wilbur takes a breath, "So, we have these eggs and they can communicate with us. Some of these died. We were partnered up with someone hence the "wife" part."
"Who were you partnered with?" Tecno asked, wanting him to state the obvious. Wilbur pointed at Alex who is also now crying with Charlie. "Tilin!!!" He cried out. Charlie slammed the mic, while he was wiping everything. Tommy picked it up. It was very glitchy with multiple pause and its was loud. The music started to play, but since Charlie was still crying with Alex, Tommy only got to sing the chorus.
"FLY ME TO THE MOOOONNNN! LET ME SING ALONG THE STARS!" Tommy microphone paused as a break from the ear deafening noise it was making.
This is few seconds before his microphone just stops working, there's no more battery, and needs fixing. Wilbur flinched as a large "bleeeepppop" like a short 2 seconds alarm sounded. It was the microphone and the speakers. Tecno jumped from his seat and turned the music off. They all laughed. Since Tom didn't really get his turn, they gave him a song to sing to. The song was tilted, "That what I like". Tommy sang the whole song, with emotions and turns out, Charlie was recording the whole time. It was a fun evening and Alex's roof was a great place to jump off instead of jumping in the cadilliac. Tommy looked at the floor, was he sure, 100%? Does he want to do this? He realised someone was behind him. But this character wasn't The Soots, Charlie or Quackity. It was Drista. "Drista how are you here?!" Tommy bellowed. Drista spiked the edge as she walked closer to Tommy.
"Tommy, don't. Please, I'm your friend. Don't. Please. What are your friends going to do without you? Tubbo will blame himself, Ranboo will cry, the soot will die without you."
"I-I...You skipped my question. Drista, what are you doing here?" Tom repeated.
"To stop you. From ending it."
"How did you know though?"
"I'm a god Tommy."
Tommy skipped a beat. He started to panic, and the said, "This has to be some sick joke, right?"
"No, Tommy. Its not. I was sent my brother, to take care of you."
"So, that brother of yours...Is he the brother you mentioned?"
"No, he is just supposed to replicate him, to make me feel closer to home. But thats not the point. Arent you going to ask me why I'm protecting you out of anyone?"
"You have mind reading powers, ok got it. Now, yeah, tell me. Im a bit curious."
"Because you're a God yourself."

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