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The God didn't hug or even talk to Tommy, he was in his room, streaming to beat this kids win potatoes? Thats quote-on-quote.
"Right, stream I gotta go," He whispered and then left. Tommy had no idea what happened. He was knocking outside his door, when he barged himself through. Nobody.
"Darn, Blade. Making me worried. Well, meet you there," Tommy muttered himself. He left out into the door with just a simple hood, and ran for it.
"You're Tommy innit?" A fan asked.
"Yeah, I'm looking for Techno have you seen-"
"Nobody has seen him. He hasn't face revealed!"
After that encounter, Tommy decided to look up and guess what. The Blade was up there fighting Punz with no sound at all. It was scary, in a way, to see 2 individuals fight so fiercely but make no sound. Not even a rustle.
Punz soon gave up, and ran for his life!
"Lets fuxking gooooo!" Tommy blurted by accident. The Blade raised eyebrow, then fleed the scene. Tommy ran after him, and climbs on some bins by his restaurant. He reminded himself of Siren, when he tought him. Tommy was breathless, and he said, "Sorry. I saw you had the high ground so I climbed. Remember me? Could I ask you for a favour?" Tommy asked him.
The Blade violently threw a sword, then said, "Right. Hello Tommy. I will if you be quiet."
"Alright, so I've got a mate, his name is Techno Alex Soot. He's gone missing," Tommy acted
"Missing?" He reacted.
"Missing." Tom repeated.
"Ah, alright. I saw him over by the stalls. Now scarm."
Tommy gently gave Tecno a hug and then said, "Where were you!?"
"Everywhere, Nowhere."
"Ugh," he muttered to himself. "Annoying."
"Youre more annoying. Dont even say those words. You're litrally describing yourself."
Tom, quickly grabs a cup from the stall and paid her money. He drinks the staw while side-eyeing Tecno. "Sorry."
"What!? Did you-"
"Sorry not Sorry."
"D@mn, I thought I got a proper apology from Tecno Alex Soot," Tommy muttered to himself. Techno gave him a pat on the back then proceeded to say, "Tommy, you can go infront of me."
He cut the cue by one, and the lady, who was a bit strict about the line went, "Young man, go back to your position."
"I can do that, but-"
"I'll handle this,alright?" Techno intrupted. He grabbed the lady shoulder and said, "Why don't you just shut up?"
The force and anger emitting from just his smile, was felt thorough the whole line. They were left shocked. The lady tried to push away his arm, but he was too strong. He grabbed the lady's arm and went back to where he was. Tommy gasped in awe, his idol!
"Dang, why do you look so cool while doing that?!"
"Why do you look so horrible? Got leaves all over your hair, and I just protected you. That cost me my self-respect," He joked but sounded too serious while saying.
"Now, I wanna go do work. Can you go hang with Ranboo?" He asked.
"Nope, Tubbo hates me!" He responded.
Tecno raised an eyebrow, "Who the fu-fudge, is Tubbo?"
"Someone who hates me apparently!"
"How could someone hate you? I get you're annoying at first but-"
"They hate me because of personal reasons."
Tommy was left alone as Tecnoblade ran away from the stalls. He was alone and bored, so let's find him shall we?
He ran up back to where he found the bins to see Punz. He crouched back down, and watched carefully. He held some magic in his hand, you could sense it in the air. Nobody knew what his Powers were. Not even Tommy
Till now.
He grabbed and air minuplated his away to make his test, fly. The test though was Purpled. Tommy watched as Punz put him in the air and then pushed him away. Undoing Tecno work, leaves went his air gradually. Punz had no regard of his brother. He grabbed his mask, put it on and pushed Purpled off in the roof next. Convently, the room next door to Tommy's.
"Pssttt!" whispered Tommy. Drista appeared and pulled Tommy up to the roof. She left without warning and then Purpled awaited his arrival. He didn't scream, he was quiet.
"You okay?" He pulled off Purpled's mask that made him impossible to hear.
"I-I had a malfunction with my mask...And it stopped working. Luke took it as a BIG opportunity as I came to fight him for The Blade," he explained.
Tommy laughed, but then helped his friend up. He was still wary of civilians, so they travelled via shadows. Purpled's bright purple suit didn't help so, he turned to Grayson.
"Thanks Tommy. Lets go to the base right? Eret, angry bitxh wouldn't be there."

The base wasn't as pretty as the last time he was here. Minecraft, Techno slowly walked towards the uninvited guest.
"Now where the hell-"
"He saved me. Tommy, lets go!" He grabbed hold of his hand and ran down the hallway.
"Tommy...When did we ever-"
"Come! I wanna show something. I made it and I'm proud," He got instant flashback from their childhood. It was a giant big Purple and white suit and he said, "Its inspired by your old suit Zeus!"
"My old suit, it looks identical. It has the same gloves and material...And..." he trailed off.
"Eh, yeah. I thought it was a great second suit. But, this is the final version. A brighter Purple and more heavily materials," he span around and Tom stared in awe.
"Amazing!" They both said together. Slime walked in and raised an eyebrow, "Now what is Tom simons of L'manberg doing here?"
"I-I he's..."
"Your friend. I see."
"Well, Sorry Cha-Slime! I saw Punz fighting Purpled so I helped him escape."
Purpled whispered into Tommy's ear, "How do you know his identity?"
"I-I know everyone's. Please don't be mad," he whimpered.
"I wish I had super hearing!" Slime exclaimed, looking moody. Tommy and Gray wheezed at his face. A 6-year-old tantrum.
"Well, I'm assuming you know where the base is now?" Slime muttered in secret.
"Yeah, Sorry. I had to save Porple.." He said in a baby voice. "Sorry Bitxh."
"It is alright. Anything else you know?" He asked. Purpled turned to Tommy who just shrugged. "Nothin' important."
"I feel a presence of something around here," Sam walked in and said. "Tom?"
"Hey...Was that presence me?" Tommy laughed. Awesam, looked around in disbelief, "Tommy, you got a really strong presence around you. And no."
"Did Punz follow us!?" Tommy shouted.
Awesam, Slime, both laughed. "Punz, already knew where we are!"
"WHAT!?" Purpled called out.
"Someone inside his working for us, and we wanna keep it slow. A lot of our equipment is missing. We think you are one of our #1 suspects, Thomas."
"No, it's different. I've know Tommy since we wer-" he sighed then continued, "13."
"Purpled!? Why didn't you tell us!?" Awesam dude scolded him. Purpled blew hair out his face then said, "You're annoying. Not the problem right now. So can we like move out this base!?"
"Can't. The traitor is with us. If we move, he'll know. Thats why only our stuff is moving. We are moving others important bits and hiding the fact we are doing it by faking-"
"Faking making my suit, thats why my stuff is gone?" Purpled catched on. They both hesitated to nod, but do.
"Its Eret," Tommy said without hesitation.
"How do you know is identi-"
Tommy got caught.I told him how noisy Eret was. Thats it," Purpeld stepped in. "Fuxking Bitvh!"
"Mhm, Eret has been working with the other side," Tommy repeated.
"But how are you sure Tom of L'manberg?" Slime asked, wanting clear evidence.
"I saw Eret. When I went to Burger King with Dream. Long story, my friend Alex was there too! He left in a rush as soon as Dream left."
"Good enough for me, lets move the stuff. I'll arrange for Slimes room to be cleared away by Siren."
"Got no button, can't contact him," Somebody whispered. "WHO SAID THAT?"
Tommy grew a mischievous smile, its Drista, hanging via ceiling by a spike.
"I did," Tommy cleared up. The cheeky smirk was gone and everyone went serious mode.
"I think Tommy is one of us then? Since we my have 2 traitors, he could yk, join us?" Purpled leaned on to his shoulder. Slime quickly nodded.
"YES! He is can! can he?" Slime looked at Awesam.
"Fine..." Sam finally said, & everyone cheered. Tommy found his home.

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