Reason for Tommy's title

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"Ok, I guess," Wilbur said this time, with a less of a croak. His voice was back to normal.
"Are they still fighting?" Wilbur pointed to outside. Ran and Tom both shakes their heads. Ranboo steps a bit back saying, "Well this is awkward."
"Tell me about it!" Tommy agrees
"So yeah, uhm. Did my family come here?" Wilbur asked pushing the blanket away.
"No, nobody but us knows you are here," Ranboo answered. Just like that, the doctor comes back in, "He's fine. Im Alice"
Wilbur and Tommy give eachother a "OHHH" face. "Thanks, Can I call you Ali?"
"Of course, Thomas. William, you are good to go. Theres someone called Alex waiting for you."
The doctor rushes out and then Alex runs back in, "Are you okay!?"
"I'm alright Alex, Thanks to Tommy and Ranboo," Wilbur responds. Alex give Ranboo a short glance, where Ranboo glances back, way more menacingly. As he gets shivers, Alex looked away. Tommy gives a small chuckle and then hugs Alex. Ranboo steps a bit closer and then says, "I'm Ranboo, one of Tommy's childhood friends. I helped Tommy get him here. You seem braised and bruised up too. Want me to call Dr. Alice?" Ranboo asks. Alex hides his wounds and violently shakes his head, "No, I'm good thanks."
The 4 of them got along but Ranboo had to go when Tubbo spammed calls everywhere. "I gotta go! Best of luck!"
"Where were you?" Tubbo asks, with tears in his eyes. "I-I was worried!"
Ranboo runs to hug Tubbo, "Tubbo, I'm sorry. Tommy got in danger and someone he knows got hurt. Wilbur Soot. His new friend."
"O-Oh. Tell them I gave my kindest of get Well soons but you aren't go anywhere. You left me worried...I saw you on the news, and then you disappeared! Since you were gone I thought might aswell and..."
"You blew up the streets. I saw. Its alright."
"Alex, why aren't you gonna be a nice person, and stay with Wilbur for a while. I dont wanna 3 wheel!" Tommy says running out of the room. He bumps into Noah; who gives Tommy a hug instead of being mad. Without a thought, Tommy hugs Foolish back. "Sorry."
"Its alright Noah," Tommy responds.
"Wilbur...Is he alright?" Noah asks looking around.
Tommy nodded, "He's better than before. Sorry; its all my fault isn't it? What can I do to help you?"
"Its really n-" Noah interrupted.
"YES IT IS! SHUT UP!" Tommy snapped.
"I-I...I guess there's no point, huh?" Stammered Foolish. Tommy nodded.
"I have to make this right. Its my fault for letting him go to the egg. I knew what they were capable of. Foolish; since your power is building can you just uh, build back the road?" Tommy requested. Follish nodded but he was intrigued, "What's your plan?"
"You'll see."
Tubbo had stopped hugging Ranboo. He was eating dinner, when Tubs was looking outside the window. "I can't do this anymore," he said sighing. "I can't be stuck in here. They have to respect my powers. They are put to waste!"
"I agree, I'm working on it Tubbo. You can have you hero license so-"
"Hero license?" Laughed Tubbo. "These days have made me think. My powers are used for destruction. Chaos even, and this could happen again. Ran, I could be a villian."
"No, your not. Being stuck inside is making your head go differently. Im the one who wanted to be the villian. Not you. You love helping people! This isn't the Tubbo I know!" Ranboo shouted in stress. Tubbo smiled. Thats when the warning was given out. Every technologically thing, every household; everywhere. Had a panic alarm. "Everyone please remain indoors or go inside to the nearby shop." The man repleated this over and over again till, "Acid rain is coming! Acid rain is coming!"
The acid rain, was aimed right at the egg. To make it less suspicious, the egg and the streets. Tommy smiled at the Chaos. His covering, which was given to him by Foolish without any awareness, protected him. It was just a gold umbrella to be honest. The egg sign collapsed and disengaged into the floor. Next, the roof was covered in acid, till it went through the area. It was satisfying and made Tommy smile. "They don't call me the God of Chaos for nothing."
Slowly but surely, every trace of the egg was gone, and most of the streets looked unaffected. The only evidence was the big blob of green goo in the middle. Nobody could see him, the cameras were ripped, and the umbrellas made him hidden. Soon; Foolish appeared, under the umbrella, "What are you doing Tommy!?"
"Erasing my mistake. Dont you love the chaos? The acid makes me feel, stong!" Tommy exclaimed, lifting the umbrella.
"Thats gone a bit too far though? Don't you think?! My, My. I guess it is a bit satisfying..."

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