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*Present year

Fourth's POV:

I enrolled at Chulalongkorn University, and I never had a plan to follow him to Canada anymore since I couldn't reach him. I meet a lot of friends, and I interact with the people who approach me at my university.

No connection, no interactions, no calls, no messages, no emails, no letters I received from him It's been a long year without Gemini, and I think he already forgot about me, so I moved on too.

I admit that I've been in love with Gemini since childhood, which is why I can't get over everything about him.

Author's POV:

Fourth was walking down the staircase to get down when his mom immediately approached him and said, "Son, your auntie Nhai is back."

"Huh?!" Fourth was stunned.

"They're on television now; Gemini has changed a lot." Pan, take Fourth to the living room.

Fourth's heartbeat was pounding so fast when he saw Gemini on the television. His feelings for him bloom again, he forgets everything that happened to him. All the pain he felt before was healed when Gemini came back.

"He's so popular now, Nhai told me it's all because of Gemini's girlfriend." Pan said,

His happiness and excitement were gone after he heard what his mom said. He was surprised, "What? Gemini had a girlfriend."

"Yes, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. Nhai already told me Gemini had a girlfriend in 5 years, I guess that girl is also an actress."

Fourth's POV:

At first, I wasn't convincing what my mom said, but while I was watching Gemini in the television, the girl suddenly appeared and smacked his cheek.

All the pain I felt before brought it back, but this time it was more painful than before. My chest suddenly ached, and I felt someone hit me with a hammer in my head. I felt something heavy in my chest at that time. I can't imagine Gemini with someone else.

It's been a long month. I knew Gemini was here in Bangkok now, but I still feel so empty. Gemini is a good role model in this era, he and her girlfriend are popular artists now, and whenever I go, I always hear their names in social media, magazines, books, brochures, newspapers, and billboards. Even when I was on my school campus, wherever I went-classroom, library, hallway, and field I heard about the two of them every minutes.

*Present day

I had a midterm exam today, and my mom asked me to join her for dinner. After my class, I went directly to my parent's house for dinner, but I didn't expect Auntie Nhai, Uncle Uen, and Gemini to be there.

I was stunned when Gemini and I had eye contact for a few seconds. He had changed a lot, he is so handsome now, and he looks so presentable now. I couldn't focus on eating because my heartbeat was pumping when Gemini was near. Even though we weren't next to each other, I still felt so close because we were eating at the same table.

Not until my dad caught our attention with an announcement I didn't expect, Gemini and I would be arranged to marry by our parents.

I want to disagree because I respect his career and his girlfriend, but I choose to be silent. I was hurt when Gemini decided to disagree about marriage.

The following days, I was sitting on the school bench, and I couldn't help but think about what he said last night. He has changed so much that he is no longer the Gemini I knew.

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