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Gemini's POV:

It was the day of my discharge from the hospital, my manager was cleaning up the patient bed I used, while Mint was helping me to organize my things.

"P' Ink, can you please give us a moment with Ink first." I beg my manager.

"Oh okay, I'll just wait for you outside." Ink said with a smile.

After my manager removed the bed, he also came out immediately, Mint looked at me with a smile but there was surprise in his eyes.

"I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I don't know how to start." my nervous voice.

"What are you talking about?" Mint looks confused.

"How many times have I questioned my feelings and I don't want to force myself to pretend that I still have feelings... After you were together." I speak intensively.

"Gemini, I don't get it. What do you mean?" she started to wonder.
"I feel like I'm just pretending every time we're together. I don't feel the love we had before, the sweetness, the excitement, and the thrill are gone." I hinted to him.

"Gemin, what the hell!! Straighten me up. I'm already confused!!" her voice trembled in tears.

"Mint, let's stop this. I'm tired of pretending I still love you." I answered frankly.

"Is it because of Fourth?" her voice trembling as if she were sobbing.

I couldn't speak because I admit that Fourth is really the reason for everything, she pushed me a little to force me to speak.

"Gem! Do you already love him?" she asked tearfully.

"Yes." I answered meekly.

Mint suddenly slap me so hard after I answered, because of the force of his slap, my face turned sideways. Mint slapped me repeatedly on both cheeks and was crying in front of me.

"Gem. Why?! You promised me!! You said it was all responsibility!!" she screamed.

"I'm sorry." I tamed.

"Sorry? That's all. You just say sorry and then it's okay?" she looked so speechless.

"Mint." my soft voice.

I tried to hold her to comfort and calm her but she tried to let go of me, Mint stood up straight to faced me and took a breath to calm herself down.

"Did something happen to you?" her calm voice with evil eyes.

"Mint." I entreaty.

"Gemini, yes or no! Has something happened to you?!" she shouted in anger.

"Mint, let's not make each other suffer anymore. I don't want you to get hurt, Mint please." I tried to plead.

"You think I'm not hurt now? Gemini, what am I shortcoming from you! I gave everything, didn't I? Isn't that enough for you to stay?" Mint's resentment.

Shee added, "what did Fourth do to you and you were able to leave me, I can also do what he did."

Mint suddenly grabbed my cheek and forced me to kiss her, her kiss was too aggressive. Mint kept trying to kiss me but I suddenly hold her shoulder, and step back a little to stop her.

"Mint, please don't be like this. Don't be so desperate just to be chosen! Know your worth, Mint." I said it bluntly.

"You think I wouldn't be desperate if I didn't love you! Gemini I gave almost half of my life to you!!" she growl and yelled at me.


Mint was slapping me on the cheek and beating me on my chest, I could hear the depression and resentment I was feeling in Mint's sobs.

I couldn't do anything else but hug her, no matter how tight my hug was, she still struggled to embrace  and kept hitting me on the chest.

The next morning, we attended Mint's event together, we were just backstage and I could already feel the awkwardness with each other. Our manager didn't even know what happened, so she thought we were okay.

We tried to be okay in front of a lot of people as if nothing happened, I got the courage to admit to the whole media and people what really happened.

I know how hard it is for Mint and I to admit to the public about our relationship and fool them that we both decided to separate even though Mint is not really okay with it.

After the event, I tried to approach Mint and talk to her, but she kept avoiding me.

The notifications that my manager received one after the other, all my solo schedules were canceled. The producers canceled me because of what happened, my being an ambassador for the products got me banned.


Everything important to me suddenly disappeared just because of the our declaration. I need my career, but I need Fourth even more.

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