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"You're looking for Gem? He's not here, he's still sleeping in my condo." she blurt out.

"You're the one who sent me here, right?" I asked.

"Yes, I used my boyfriend's phone. That's why we're here now." Mint answered philosophically.

"What do you want?" I straight to the point.

"You're so fast, we haven't been in the room the entire time." Mint said,

"I don't care. I can't bear to be with you in the same room and you still want another half hour? Who are you?"

"Ow! I like that kind of personality." Mint smirk.

She added, "Gemini came to my condo last night, and he was sottish. Don't worry, nothing happened to us."

"Then?" I spare my words.

"Don't you realize that your husband still comes to me without considering your feelings?" Mint asked frankly.

I gulped at what she said while staring at her, "Shouldn't I be the one who ask that question?"

Mint didn't speak but she reacted as if she had no idea.

"Gemini and I had an arguments last night. You? Don't you realize that my husband came to you when we had a fight. Are you a girlfriend or a rebound?" I proudly answered.

"Ai' Fourth!" she pissed off.

"You know what I always tell Gemini that I respect you because you're my husband's girlfriend, why it sound like a flirtatious?" I smiled as if I want to provoke her intentionally.

"You're just a husband on paper, Gemini's only right is to take care of you as your father will. If your dad doesn't sick, Gemini would have no intention of marrying you." Mint whispered tremblingly.

I suddenly lost my mood when Mint mentioned my dad in our conversation, I was holding my pant tightly because I was holding back my anger with Mint.

"Cancer is not a joke." I speak daringly

"Really? Are you sure your dad has cancer? Or is he just pretending because he is supportive of his son who likes a man." Mint's tongue slipped.

"Ai' Mint! don't bring my dad into this shitty conversation. He cancer has nothing to do with him!!" my voice trembled.

"You know I felt sorry for you, because you waited for your dad to get sick just so you could get the person you want, and even forced it." she insulted my dad.

I was speechless at what Mint was blurt, I forced myself to keep quiet and not move even though my chest was already tight from what was coming out of his mouth about my dad.

"Don't get me started, Fourth. Maybe you forgot about me being the reason for Gemini's career, and Gemini loves his career.

Gemini only responsibility is to take care of you, right? so once I find out that someone is intervening with you and my boyfriend, His beloved career will distroyed by myself." Mint threatened.

She added, "Don't use your fucking marriage as an advantage to have something between you. Always keep it in your mind that you are only married because of responsibility!!"

Mark's POV:

I came out of the room and hanging in the hallway while talking to someone on the phone, a few minutes passed before I hung up. I was about to open the door to go back inside, when my peripheral view caught a glimpse of Mint who came out of the room next to my room.
"Mint?" I wondered as I looked closely at the girl who came out.

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