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Author's POV:

Prom and Ford are outside the office council while waiting for Fourth to come out because they don't know why Fourth was summoned by their department council.

"Have you seen the articles of Gemini's interview yesterday?" the counselor asked him.

"Khab. I have already seen it." my polite voice.

"You probably know the policy of the school Mr. Nattawat, don't you? You are a graduating student. You should know how to handle this kind of situation, you are another one we trust as a good role model in this school." when the counselor preached him.

"I'm sorry Counselor, this kind of situation will not happen again." Fourth apologized.

"Fix your issue with that actor, the name of the school cannot be involved. I hope you understand that as the President of the Department of Law." clarifying Fourth well.

"Khab, I'm really sorry. I will fix this as much as possible." his breathing of forgiveness.

"Okay. You can go out. You can go back to your respective room." the counselor nodded.

When Fourth came out of the office in shock, Ford and Prom immediately approached him to comfort him, Fourth just sighed at the two and asked for a hug to relieve his stress.

"It's okay, don't think it's your fault." Ford rubbed Fourth's back.

"Thank you." Fourth whispered to the two.

"Be patient with the stubborn students first, after graduation slap them with diplomas one by one. I'll hold them by the hand so they don't leave." Prom is still joking.

"Ai' Prom! you're really violent." Ford rebuke Prom.

"It hurts! I'm just feeling sorry for Fourth, what's wrong with that? You want me to hit you first with a graduation hat." Prom is ready to throw a blow.

"Okay, dare me. I will tell to the office administration about your copying of Fourth's answer during the midterm exam!" Ford's intimidation.

Prom's facial expression suddenly changed into joyful and wrapped his arm around to Ford's shoulder, "You're serious, I'm your friend, right?"

Fourth can't help but laugh at his two friends while teasing like cats and dogs in front of him, "That's enough! Let's just celebrate after Graduation."

Fourth's POV:

When I came home to my own house, I noticed that Gemini's car was parked outside my house. I got out of the car and I saw him sitting on the stairs in front of my house.

"What are you doing here?" I approached him.

"I want to speak with you." no sense in his answer.

"why do you smell like alcohol? are you drunk?" I wondered.

"No. I'm not drunk." His voice was drunk when he reached for my hand and stood in front of me.

I immediately let go of his grip on my hand and sighed because I knew he was going to be stubborn again.

"Go home. You can't change my decision anymore." I quickly said.

I immediately walked to the door and walked past Gemini as if nothing happened. When I unlocked the door, I immediately went inside to close it but I didn't notice that he was just behind me and was forcing the door open.

"Gemini, what the hell! go home." I yell.

I was trying to close the door but he used his own strength to push and open the door until I couldn't handle his strength anymore and he was able to get inside.

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