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Fourth's POV:

when I woke up in the morning I immediately noticed that I was wearing a bathrobe and Gemini was no longer by my side, I turned to the other bed and Oreo was gone.

I tried to lift my body to get up, but my lower abdomen suddenly hurt.

"Hey!!" I hold it on my lower abdomen.

My lower abdomen hurts a lot and I don't feel good, maybe it's because of what happened with Gemini last night. I pressed my stomach because of the pain, in less than a few minutes someone opened the door.

"Uncle Fourth, you're already awake." Oreo's voice was glad when he went inside and ran towards Fourth.

"Where did you go?" I ask Oreo.

After Oreo entered Gemini with a plastic bag of food, I noticed that Gemini looked like he was not in his mood.

"Dada and I went for a walk along the beach. I even wanted to invite you but Dada said you need to rest." Oreo's tiny voice.

Oreo added when he noticed Fourth holding his belly, "what happened to your belly, uncle Fourth?"

After Oreo spoke, I saw Gemini turn to me, but he also looked away immediately and prepared my food.

"Oreo, take a bath first in the restroom your back is wet with sweat, you might cough." I speak politely wtith Oreo.

Oreo immediately walked towards the bathroom, and Gemini came to me with the food he bought.

"Eat now." Gemini's voice was quite cold.

"My belly is aching." my tiny voice.

"Okay, I asked the staff if they had rubber bag for hot compression." Gemini cold reply.

When Gemini put the food down next to the lamp, he turned his back on me immediately, which was a big deal to me because he suddenly became cold.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing." Gemini's voice is thrifty.

"I wanted to tell you something." I speak.

"What's that?" He sparing voice.

"I'm not going to divo-"

"Uncle Fourth, where is my towel at?" Oreo interrupted their conversation, which was the reason for Fourth to stop talking.

Gemini took that moment to walked directly out of the room and did not even finish what Fourth was saying, Fourth was about to speak but Oreo approached him to ask for a towel.

"Here's your towel baby." Fourth act like nothing happen.

Gemini's POV:

I chose to stay here until the end of the 5 days, because I don't want to break my promise to him. During our 5 days stay here, I will wait for him to confess to me and I will forgive him right away, but if he really has no intention to speak up, I will file for divorce myself.

The picture of her with Mark still hasn't sunk into my mind, I don't know if it has anything to do with their kiss at the sea shore that Fourth told me before when Mark confessed to her.

I want the real reason behind that picture to come from him, I know Fourth can't do that to me... But I still want to know why they kissed.

Fourth's POV:

The three of us went out and toured all over Krabi, I still felt pain in my stomach which Oreo noticed because my gait was not good.

"What happened to you, uncle Fourth? Why are you walking like that?" Oreo's tiny voice.

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