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Author's POV:

Fourth woke up to the ringtone of his phone, he answered it immediately when his friend in Switzerland appeared in his phone screen, he let go of Gemini's hand and left the room to talk to his friend.

While Fourth was talking on the rooftop of the hospital, he could not help but shed tears while talking to his friend.

"Uhmm... Okay. Thank you." Fourth held back a cry.

When Fourth got off the phone, he sat down very weak while trying not to cry, he just closed his eyes and took a deep breath in frustration.

After a while his phone rang again, he saw his mom's name on the screen so he answered the call immediately.

"Mom" Fourth answered the call.

"Where are you? Phuwin called me, have you returned to Bangkok?" Pan asked.

"K-khab." Polite voice from Fourth.

"Are you all right? How is Gemini?" Pan's concern.

"Mom, I'm sorry." Fourth couldn't hold back tears.

"What's wrong, son? Are you crying?" Pan's voice was soft.

"I'm sorry if I gave up on my dream... I'm really sorry if I disappointed you and dad." Fourth sob.

"Don't say that, your dad and I have never disappointed to you. Whatever you decide, I will support you." Nhai comforting Fourth.

"I'm sorry..." Fourth answered regretfully.

"Fourth, my son. I'm so proud of you and I'll support you no matter what, because I love you, N' Fourth." Pan's soft voice.

"I love you, mom." Fourth really burst into tears.

Fourth's POV:

When I got out of the elevator, I noticed the nurses walking hurriedly in the corridor along the same way as Gemini's room.

I immediately followed the nurses who were in a hurry, when I arrived in the hallway I saw the other nurse who entered Gemini's room.

"Fuck! Gemini." I was speechless.

I immediately ran to Gemini's room, I wanted to go inside but the nurses were blocking me.

"Let me in!!" I yelled.

"Sir, you're not allow to go inside. The patient's life is in critical." The nurse will fight with me.

"What?" I was too stunned to speak.

"Sir, it would be better if you just wait outside." The nurse please.

Fourth was so frustrated that he leaned against the wall and slowly sat on the floor, "Gemgem, don't leave... I'm begging you."

Gemini's POV:

I was wearing a white formal attire while standing on a flat place, while I was walking through the field of flowers I saw a person standing in the shade of a big tree.

I was very confused as to who it was because his back was turned, I slowly walked towards him.

"Who are you?" I asked as I stood behind him.

When that person faced me, I was stunned and unable to speak, "U-uncle Quan."

"N' Gem." He smiled at me.

"Uncle Quan, come with me and let's go back. Fourth and Auntie Pan miss you so much." I answered Uncle Quan when I held his hand.

"I can't go back." He answered me gently.

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