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Gemini was resting on the couch on his dressing room, he was using his phone and scrolling through social media when he thought of Fourth's account, he immediately searched for Fourth's name on social media.

He saw Fourth's latest post on social media with Prom and Ford, and Gemini couldn't help thinking about the two. He was staring at Fourth's face for a long second and zooming in.

"Hi love." Mint approaches him with a smack kiss on the cheek.

Gemini immediately turned off his phone and pay attention to his girl, She sat next to Gemini and wrapped his arms around her neck.

"Hi, how's the photoshoot?" Gemini is approaching her.

"We're done." She smiled.

Their manager suddenly came in and approached them to update their schedule, "We have an event tonight at exactly 7 p.m."

"Huh?! I thought they canceled the event?" Mint wondered.

"It's just fake news. The organizers called just now." Ink response.

"I can't go tonight." Gemini quickly said,

"Why? What's wrong?" Mint asked worriedly.

"I have a family dinner tonight... Because I thought they canceled." Gemini excuses.

"It's okay, love. I'll handle the event. You should go." Mint assured him.

Gemini looked at her with hesitation, but Mint just gave him a warm smile and nodded at the same time to assure Gemini.

"Let's go mint." Ink said it in a hurry.

"I'll call you after the event." Mint said before he stood up.

"Don't lock your door, I'll spend the night at your condominium." Gemini said,

Mint nodded a little and went after Ink to get ready for the event. Gemini sigh sadly, when Mint left, he couldn't help thinking about his uncle Quan's proposal.

Gemini's POV:

I went to the private restaurant to meet my parents for dinner; they reserved a private room for us. The fans can't help screaming and waving at me. I have a lot of fans in that restaurant, and while I'm walking in the hallway, they still approach me for a picture, autographs, and for a gift.

The staff walked with me to lead me into the private room they reserved. When I entered the room, I saw my parents looking at the menu to order.

"You're here. Where's Mint?" mom asked.

"She's not here. Mint handles our event." I answer.

"We paid a visit to your uncle Quan at the hospital." Dad informed me.

"Why? What happened to Uncle Quan?" I worriedly asked.

After the waitress serves our food, we'll wait for the staff to serve our orders and leave to continue our topics while eating.

"Your uncle had cancer." Mom was straight to the point.


"That's why he wants you to marry N' Fourth because he knows you can take care of Fourth." Mom answered.

"Oh, so you want me to be a babysitter?" I was so calm.

"No, you told me that you don't want to be indebted to anyone. We owe a debt to your uncle. He is one of the reasons why we live in Canada. So he wants you to marry his son as compensation, please understand." Mom is trying to convince me.

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