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I laid him on the bed carefully, I feel anxious while I taking off his uniform. After I wiped his body I dressed him and covered him with a blanket.

before I left the bed, I took the air conditioner controller from the top of the drawer and set the temperature to low so that he wouldn't catch cold.

I went to the bathroom and washed my husband's uniform and hung on the balcony of our bedroom.I walked closer to the bed and watched him sleeping soft and sound, I feel unexplained emotion after what happened to him.

I feel guilty.

I sat on the edge of the bed next to him, and wipe his forehead with warm clean towel.

"I'm sorry," I murmur. I pulled aside his hair that was blocking his eyes.

In the middle of the night, while we were both sleeping on the bed. My rest was disturb and my drowsiness disappeared after my hand landed on his arms and I felt like I was scalded by the extreme heat of his skin.

I feel restless and nervous, I lifted my head to check on him, and I noticed that his body was trembling and sweating.

"Ai' Fourth! Fourth." I shook his body to wake him up.

Fourth's sleepwear was soaking in his own sweat, his whole body was shivering. I was even more distress when I noticed the pump of his chest as he was gasping for breath.

I took a thermometer from the drawer and placed it on Fourth's ear to check his temperature.

"Oh shit! 39°C?" Gemini's voice was shocked.

I didn't know what should I do, should I take him to the hospital? Or should we stay here and observe his condition. I held his hand so tightly, hoping to subside his fever.
"Mom." I call my mom over the phone voice.

"Gem, why are you calling at this hour?" her drowsy voice.

"Fourth was feverish, I don't know what to do. He is drenched in sweat, his whole body is shivering. Mom, what should I do? Should I take him to the hospital?" my voice stuttered filled of tears and nervous.

"Calm down! Only a feverish word I understood in length of what you said." my mom complained.


"That's why he probably has a fever because-" my mom wondering with her dirty mind.

"Mom. No!" I'm so done with my mom.

"Don't be aggressive, you should just be gentle so he doesn't get a fever. Poor N' Fourth." She intend to piss me off.

"Mom, stop thinking like that.

"Oh okay, take care of my N' Fourth. keep it up, my son." She chuckled and yung up the call.

I followed what my mom intructed on the phone, I estimated the hot and cold water in the small basin with the clean towel and wipe his entire body gently.

I feel a little lit awkward while wiping his body, I was distracted and struck on his sweating chest.

I slightly lean my head only the headboard and try to myself to take a nap, but Fourth slightly tilted his body to me and wrapped his entire arm around my waist, he hug me so tightly.

"Gemgem, don't you leave nah?" he gasped.

He bury his face in my chest and it was like he was very comfortable sleeping next to me, his fluffy cheeks and rosy nose made him look like a sleeping baby.

I gradually adjusted my body to lay my head on the pillow, and put my arm under Fourth's head and hug him so warmly like there's no tomorrow.

In the cold atmosphere surroundings our entire room with a rainy midnight, while we hugging underneath the warm light from the lamp. I pull aside his hair that was blocking on his forehead and gave him an emphatic forehead kiss.

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