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Pond's POV:

While I was walking in the hallway of the hospital going to my dad's room, something caught my attention, the crying of a child in the middle of the hallway, because of my pity for him, I approached him.

"Hi, are you lost?" I asked him as I knelt in front of him.

"Daddy!" he will cry even more.

"What's your name? I will help you find your daddy." I asked gently.

"my name is Oreo, I can't find my daddy." his pouting face.

"oh... stop crying." I answered meekly as I wiped her tears.

After a while, a woman came up to us and I heard she call the child's name, so I took a step back, because the woman might be his mom.

"Oreo, I've been looking for you for a while." She look so worried.

"I want daddy!!" Oreo yelled to her.

"okay, let's wait for daddy downstairs... he will come out soon." She answer meekly.

He immediately grabbed Oreo by the hand and nodded at me before he left, I can't help but follow them with glaring eyes because I was thinking twice if he might not be with his mom.

When I arrived at the door of dad's room, someone suddenly opened the door and a man came out. When he came out, he looked at me and smiled before walking away.

I immediately entered the room and saw aunt feeding dad, I was so happy to see dad again because we hadn't seen each other for several years.

"Aw, Pond. When have you been here? You didn't say you were going, I wish I could cook for you." Aunt Pan's reaction was shocked when she approached me and took what I brought.

"it's okay aunty, I really meant not to say. I want to accompany you in taking care of dad." I smile at her.

"Thank you, Pond." he smiled warmly at me.

"by the way, who just came out now?" I asked auntie.

"He is Phuwin, the older brother of Fourth's husband." Auntie Pan answered me.

"ohh..." I ignored it.

I immediately walked closer to dad and hugged him tightly, "I miss you, dad."

"I miss you too, my son. I finally got to see you after a long time." glad voice of dad.

"Let Aunt Pan and I watch over you. Also, Fourth's graduation is coming up, I want to attend my brother's graduation." I answered proudly.

"How is your life in the province?" Auntie Pan asked me.

"It's okay, aunt. When Fourth graduates, let's go on vacation in the province, the hacienda is already big." I answered.

"You did not disappoint me. I bequeathed you our hacienda." Dad smiled at me.

"of course I'll take care of that for you, dad. So get better and when we go home to the province, you'll see the big land that I built." I motivate him.

"I just lack the kiss of your aunt Pan." he joked.

"Hon." Auntie answered.

"Dad, you are abusive to aunty." I teased.

we couldn't help but laugh inside the room while talking, I just saw Dad and aunt smile again. I'm very lucky because dad found someone to take care of him and love him, since Fourth and I were young, Auntie Pan took care of us both, so I'm very grateful to Auntie Pan.

Fourth's POV:

When the three of us entered the locker room, he pulled me to sit on the bench and Prom immediately let go of me and he walked to his locker to get his t-shirt to change clothes.

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