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⚠ Matured scene

Fourth's POV:

I don't know why Mark kissing me entered my mind, or maybe I'm just not used to being kissed by someone other than Gemini.

I don't want anything to happen to the two of us, especially I don't like what's in my mind, I'm angry with Mark for what he did because the more I think about him kissing me, the more I hate him.

so even if Gemini's pain is painful, I will bear it, even though I have never been able to deceive him. I was able to stop myself from having something happen to us, not because I don't love Gemini, but because I can't fool Gemini.


*A few days later

Gemini picks up Fourth with Oreo for vacation, just like they talked about. Fourth had already brought a suitcase because he knew they were going to staycation for 5 days, when he got into the car he saw Oreo using an ipod in the passenger seat alone.

"Only 5 days, when we come back I will take the final exams." Fourth's reminder while putting on the seat belt.

"After 5 days I will also return to showbiz, my management informed me yesterday." Gemini replied.

"Okay." I sparingly said.

Gemini's POV:

When we arrived at Ao nang, krabi beach, there were many people approaching me even the staff, and the people there took pictures of me.

"Who is with you, Mr. Gemini?" The receptionist asked when she pointed at Fourth.

I looked at Fourth but he looked away and walked straight away with Oreo, I didn't answer the receptionist but instead I just smiled at her.
Fourth's POV:

The picture of Gemini in Krabi quickly spread on social media because of the candid picture from the fans cam, Gemini was crowded with fans but Oreo and I went straight to the room they reserved.

When we arrived at the door of the room with the staff, they immediately went inside, I was about to close the door when the staff suddenly asked me.

"What are you with Mr. Gemini?" The staff asked me.

"Shouldn't it be your job to care about, not other people's lives?" I politely asked.

The staff was offended, so she didn't ask any more questions. I closed the door, nothing else appeared to me but the two beds that were separated and cozy room.

I opened the big curtain as I could see the beautiful nature and the pool outside their room.

Oreo was lying and playing on the ipod on the left bed, while I was arranging our clothes on the right bed.

"Oreo, change your clothes." I command to Oreo.

Oreo immediately took action and got off the bed to approach me, I changed Oreo's clothes so that his clothes wouldn't get dirty.

"Uncle Fourth, I want to swim in the sea." Oreo's whiny.

"Later, but for now let's wait for your Dada... Then let's have lunch first." I smile.

"But Dada is still socializing with girls, I want to go swimming." He insisting.

"Oreo, don't be stubborn. Let's wait for your Dada so you can have someone to swim with. You can't swim in the sea alone." Dealing well with Oreo.

After Oreo finished getting dressed, he went back to bed and played on the iPod while we're waiting for Gemini.

When I finished folding Gemini and Oreo's clothes, Gemini entered the room just in time to invite us to lunch.

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