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"Hon! Kaizer! Come here

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"Hon! Kaizer! Come here. Lunch is ready." Fourth call his lover and son in the distance.

Fourth prepared food for lunch in the backyard. When Gemini and Kaizer approached the cottage, he handed them a towel because they were both sweating from playing.

"You wipe me." Gemini ask as he returned the towel to Fourth.

"Me too." Kaizer was pleasing when he returned the towel to Fourth.

"No. You're grown up, you can wipe yourself." Fourth refused.

He turned his back to the two to stack the plates, spoons and forks.

Gemini and Kaizer stared at each other when Fourth turned his back on them as if he was planning to do something to the two of them.

Fourth's POV:

While I was putting the plates on the table, Gemini suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist to hug me backwards and buried his face in my shoulder.

"Ai' Gemini!" I flinched, "Your sweat! That's dirty!"

I tried to remove his arms from my waist to keep my shoulders away from him but he didn't want to let go, until I just held my breath. I'm done with both! Please give me more patients with them.

I couldn't do anything but wait for Gemini to release me from the embrace until he finished wiping his face on my clothes because all his sweat had gone to my shoulders.

"Argh! Please. It's too early for me to get annoyed with you two!" I frowned.

When Gemini let go of me, I just stared at him evilly, but he and Kaizer were still laughing at me.

"Hon, It's not fun." I pouted,

"You're dead, daddy." Oreo teaser is his father.

Gemini stepped towards me and pressed his lips to my cheek.

"What are you doing." I pushed him,

"Papa, don't hold back. I can see your smile." Kaizer is teasing me.

"No. I didn't smile." my defense

"Really?" Gemini made sure of it.

He peek a kiss on my cheek again and again to make me confess, until I couldn't take it anymore and my smile came out.

"You're crazy." I chuckled, "After lunch, fix yourself. The tailor will come now to measure us."

While we were in the middle of lunch, I was stunned when Gemini handed me his wallet.

"What is that for?" I asked,

"From now on, you're the one who handles my money... Since, you don't want an elegant wedding. Here's the expenses. It's up to you what kind of wedding you want." he speaks directly.

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