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The fans started searching for the spreading issue of Fourth and Gemini, there are many stolen pictures of Gemini and Fourth together in public areas

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The fans started searching for the spreading issue of Fourth and Gemini, there are many stolen pictures of Gemini and Fourth together in public areas. during the days that they were on a staycation in Krabi, the fans couldn't avoid interfering in Gemini's private life, and because of the picture that was released, those who were retweeting were reversed.

"So it's true? Fourth is really the one with him in Krabi?"

"stop criticizing Gemini."

"who's the motherfucker posted this?"

"This is also the account that exposed Gemini at the airport the day before.

"I'm sure that account will be deactivated again later."

"that's too much!! Why are you interfering in Gemini's private life!!"

"These fans are too much!! Let Gemini be happy with his partner in life. Respect Gemini! He needs privacy too."

"He needs some privacy!!"

"Gemini's fans have absolutely no dignity left, I am speechless."

"Please Gemini take an action!! File a case against the person who posted this without your permission!!"

"Gemini's fans are so obsessed, that even his private life is being interfered with. You guys are terrifying!!"

"Fourth is taking law, I know he can handle this kind of situation. Please file a case! This is too much!!"

"I think the person who posted this is one of Mark's fans, we all know that Mark's fans have a grudge against Gemini... So they tried to ruin Gemini's image."

There are a lot of speculations that came out thru social media that Gemini might be gay and Fourth is the one they thought he married because Gemini mentioned his marriage in the media, before he was suspended by the company.

Gemini's POV:

I'm in my dressing room and resting while on the phone, every time I scroll through social media, only Fourth's and I's issues come up because of the no. 1 trending worldwide.

I immediately turned off my phone when I saw my manager and Mint walk in, they both approached me and sat next to me.

"have you seen it?" my manager asked me.

"Yes." I answered sparingly.

"When they find out that their suspicions about you and Fourth are true, what will you do? I'm sure they won't stop Fourth or worst... he might be expelled from school." P' Ink's calm voice.

"Fourth knows how to handle the school policy, I trust him." I answered confidently.

"Don't you know that the Chulalongkorn page posted earlier that Fourth was rushed to the cafeteria by your student fans." P' Ink informed me.

"what did you say?" I was stunned.

Ink took his phone out of his bag and faced me, I was stunned when I read the post of the Chulalongkorn University page and Fourth was involved in the trouble.

"I think... you need to deny Fourth as your husband in front of the media, especially tomorrow at the premiere. What if they ask about you and Fourth?" P' Ink asked.

"then... I'll admit that he's the one with me-

"Do you think it's that easy? Fourth will get stuck even more, think about your husband's welfare. Have you forgotten that they are graduating this month, your fans will find a way to expell and ruin Fourth's future-

"And they can't do that either! I won't allow his studies to be ruined because of a bullshit issue." my voice trembles.

"that's why you deny it! deny the pictures that are coming out to everyone, that's all... to stop the fans from being paranoid. You won't leave your husband, you'll just deny it, isn't it hard!!-

"Yes!! what you are making me do is hard... not for me, but for Fourth. He will be hurt if I do what you want!!-

"Gemini, you are in the showbiz industry!! even if you admit to the whole world that Fourth is your husband, they will continue to ruin and trouble the privacy of your husband?" She yelled at me.

She added, "If you admit to everyone that it's not the picture, they will be enlightened... that's all.

Now you choose, Fourth's sake or Fourth's feelings?" he asked me seriously.

I couldn't speak for a few minutes, I suddenly thought about what P' Ink told me. I immediately stood up from the chair to leave but Mint grabbed my hand which caused me to stop.

"where are you going?" Mint asked.

"I'm going to Fourth." my cold voice.

"go ahead, spread the word throughout their university that he is your husband." P' Ink shouted at me.

I didn't do anything else but push aside all the things on the table and lost in so much anger, I screamed out loud because I was so angry that even the breakable things on the table were broken on the floor.

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