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Fourth's POV:

After having dinner with my husband and my parents at the hospital, we decided to go home because Gemini still had work tommorow.

"Ma... Pa... We'll go first, Gemini has a shooting tomorrow." I will let his parents know.

"Oh okay, be careful when you go home. N' Gem, be careful while driving." my mom remind him.

"Khab, Auntie." Gemini's polite voice.

"Hey! Don't call me Auntie anymore, from now on get used to call me Mom and Dad with your Uncle Quan." my mom stated, which make us chuckled.

"Khab... Mom." Gemini's voice stuttered.

"Mom, we're leaving. We won't wake dad from his sound sleep. Take care if yourself, mom." I said with a smile and glanced at my dad.

"You don't have to worry, we're fine here." She smile assuringly.

"Call me if you need anything." my voice sounds worried.



When we reached our house, Gemini noticed my silence and deep sigh. I couldn't help but sob and my tears falling apart without realizing it.

"You don't have to pretend to be strong all the time. I'm here, you can lean on me." Gemini soothing voice while caressing my back.

He grabbed me by the shoulder and gently turned me to face him, he stare at me with sparkling eyes and read my mind. He put his palms on my jaw and wiped my tears away with his soft thumb.

"Don't hold your tears. You can cry on my shoulder."

I can't stop myself from hiccups and sobs which was the reason of holding my tears. I was struck when he lift my face and touch my lips against his.

My eyes gradually closing to feel the depth of sensation, while kissing me in a intense way, I feel his warm palm crawling on my waist and pin my back on the seat. My husband's hand reach for the seat belt and unlock it while we're kissing, he adjust my seat and made me lie down comfortably.

He loosen his seat belt and spread my thighs widely to finally place himself on the top of me. He kissed my nose, forehead, cheeks, earlobe, down to them jaw and all over my neck, before he turned off the car lights.

As soon as we entered the door, Gemini burst an desiring kiss on my lips. He grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, it was tempting to wrap my tights around his waist when he suddenly lifted me with all his strength.

I let him lead the way to our room without letting go of my lips, I was just thinking about what would happen tomorrow and I sensed that my lips would be swollen the day after this.

As we reached the room, he leaned a little to lay me down on the bed, I catch of my breath when I almost drowned after he finally let go of sucking me.

I couldn't help but feel shy while he took off his clothes in front of me, I just swallowed saliva while staring at his sweating body, I feel like it's going to be a long night without rest.

He sat on the bed kneeling between my legs, while I was staring into his eyes, my chest pounding gradually got stronger, I felt nervous but the desire was still heavier. He leaned slightly while staring into my eyes and it was as if he was reading the depth of our eye contact.

Little by little, his lips approached mine, I opened my lips slightly to reciprocate his tempting kiss until it pressed and deepened, I resisted his kiss as if there was no tomorrow.

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