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Phuwin's POV:

The next day when he woke up, his strength had not yet returned so he had difficulty lifting his body, opening his eyes he saw around him that his parents seemed confused and restless.

"Auntie, please don't even try to call Fourth." My voice is weak now as I look at aunt Pan.

"Aw, Phuwin, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Mom was concerned when she approached me on the bed.

Everyone turned to me, especially aunt Pan when ai' got her attention because she was trying to call someone on the phone and I'm sure it was Fourth.

"I'm okay, mom." I smiled at my mom to make her feel better.

"What do you mean?" Clueless reaction from aunt Pan.

Mom helped me to lift my body and lean against the wall so that I could talk to aunt Pan properly.

"Before Gemini rushed into the Operation room... he whispered something to me." Phuwin answered languidly.

*Last night

While I was helping the nurses who pushed Gemini's stretch bed to the O.R, I held his hand full of blood to encourage him to fight because his life was critical again while lying on the stretch bed.

I felt him clinging to me tightly but I saw that his eyes were not open anymore and I noticed that his mouth was opening as if he had say something, so I slightly bent down and put my ear near his mouth.

"P'... Please... Don't... Ever... Call... Fourth... Let... Him... Go... And... Chase... His Dream ..." Gemini sighs with every word that comes out of his mouth as if he is having difficulty speaking.

I didn't want to let go of Gemini's hand but when we got to the O.R, his hand was slowly slipping because of the blood flowing in both of our hands.


"Did he really say that?" Pan doesn't believe.

In less than a few minutes, someone spoke on Pan's phone and it was Fourth's voice.

"Mom... I just arrived in Switzerland, why do you have so many missed calls?" Fourth voice over the phone.

Auntie slowly lifted the phone that was in her hand and saw that Fourth was on call, she was still having second thoughts while seeing if she should tell Fourth the truth or not.

I didn't speak anymore, but Auntie Pan saw me and I shook my head to make auntie not confessing to Fourth.

Author's POV:

Pan slowly put the phone screen to his ear to talk to Fourth in front of them Phuwin, she couldn't speak while Fourth was repeatedly talking over the phone.

"Mom, where are you?" Fourth's clueless voice.

"We just arrived in the province." Having second thoughts she said.

"Mom, I'll go first. The taxi is already here, just call me again when I get to the condo." Fourth's voice looks in a hurry.

"O-okay... Be careful." Pan couldn't help but sob.

When Pan hung up, she suddenly felt guilty knowing that Fourth would be hurt or mad knowing that he hid the truth.

Phuwin's POV:

While I was resting on the stretch bed, someone suddenly knocked on the bedroom door and opened the door.

"Oh." I said in shock when Pond came in with food.

"I let aunt Pan rest at home first because later we will go back to the province." He answered me.

He walked closer to me and put down the bought food.

"Aunt Pan is sending you some food. Eat first, so your strength will come back." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I nodded while smiling at him.

I ate the food that Pond brought, while he was just sitting on the edge of my stretch bed and using the phone.

"Pond. Your name is Pond, right?" I asked him.

"Yes, why?" He answered sparingly.

"Can you accompany me to Gemini's room, I want to see him?" If I don't do you a favor.

"No one are allowed to enter the room, the nurse said, you can peek through the window." He replied to me.

I couldn't speak to what he said, but I just got side-eye because he looked grumpy.

After I ate, Pond accompanied me to the room Gemini, he helped me walk because my body was still weak but I could walk.

When we got to the front door of Gemini's room, he pointed to the glass window, I was hesitant to step because I was afraid to see what my condition was.

Pond offered his hand and smiled at me to invite me to take a look at Gemini, I slowly raised my hand and brought it closer to his hand to hold it.

I slowly stepped closer to the glass window and peeked at Gemini inside. My whole body went weak and my knees went weak when I saw Gemini lying on the patient bed.

I touched the window with my open palm because I wanted to be close and hold my brother, I didn't realize that the tears were constantly falling from my eyes.

"Gemgem, please hold on?" I burst into tears.

My chest tightens as I see Gemini fighting for his life.

I can't imagine the situation while lying in the patient bed with extension tubes in the body, as well as the patient monitor machines that can connect to him.

I was almost out of balance due to my body shaking too much, but Pond was behind me to catch me and support me.

"It's okay, everything will be okay." His comfort voice.

"How? How can he be okay if he can't be with us!!" I tearfully complained to Pond when I pushed him out of the house.

"Phuwin, calm down." His voice is soft.

"How can I calm down if I see my brother weak?! My brother needs me! Gemini needs me!" I reacted furiously while facing him.

"Phuwin, I'm sorry. Calm down." His voice was calm when he tried to get close to me to calm me down.

"It's my fault why is he in his condition now!! If I hadn't called him to chase Fourth to the airport, he wouldn't be lying there and trying to fight for his life!!" I blame it.

"Phuwin, no one likes what happened." It calms me down.

Pond tried to come closer to me even though I pushed him again and again until he grabbed my hands and hugged me to make me feel at ease.

"Ai' shia! I'm freaking hate myself!! I put my brother on the critical condition!!" When I woke up, I cried while beating Pond's back just to release my anger.

"Stop blaming yourself." It will lighten my feeling.

Until I was tired of crying and I just opened my palms to hold Pond's back and close my eyes to calm down.

Moon's POV:

I was walking in the hallway of the hospital with fruit to visit Phuwin. When I turned in the next corridor, the basket of fruit I was holding slipped when I saw Phuwin hugging someone else in front of Gemini's room.

I couldn't stop crying while staring at them, Phuwin looked frustrated while crying at the man he was hugging, I know I have no right to be hurt because I hurt him too.

I just bowed down to look away, I tried to stop the tears coming out of my eyes but I couldn't, I immediately retreated and turned to take a step away.

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