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When I came home, I put all the paper bags on the counter, I went straight to my room to rest because I still had school the next day.

While I was taking a bath, I couldn't help but think about what happened earlier, I was trying to get rid of what happened to me with my husband and act cold. After I had a shower, I went out and sat on the edge of the bed and stroke my hair with a towel to dry.

I was scrolling through social media when suddenly a message appeared at the top of my phone screen, I was wondering because of an unknown number. Out of curiousity, I check the person who sent a message and I didn't expect what I recieve. Someone sent a stolen picture, which makes me alarmed and goosebumps because I didn't know who and where those pictures were from.

My whole body froze while staring at the random stolen photos of me with Mark, I felt uncomfy and restless because of the person who sent the picture. I feel uneasy, if the person who sent this is one of Gemini and Mint's fans, or Mark's fans.

I was even more surprised when he sent another photo, the picture was a bit blurry when it captured. But when I zoomed in, it was a moment when Mark kissed me in sea shore.

When I arrived at school, I couldn't explain my feeling. I felt like someone was following me or someone was watching my every move. I was walking quietly on the school campus going to my department when I saw Prom walking the opposite way. I stopped walking to wait for him to pass in front of me, but when I approached him, he avoided me and walked past me as if he didn't notice me.

"Prom." I shouted as I followed him with my eyes.

He stopped walking after I called his name, he didn't even look at me or answer so I tried to grab the few seconds he stopped.

"Do you really want to cut off our friendship?" I yelled at him distance.

Prom looked at me and stepped closer to me, he stood in front of me with furrowed eyes and said,

"Did the question really come from you?" He smirked.

"Prom, let's talk properly-

"For what? to insult me? to make me look like I'm not worth being friends with? or to pity me because I don't have many friends?" he reversed.

"Prom, it's not like that." I swallow my pride.

"Fourth, you know it's okay for me to be insulted by other people and say something hurtful words... but, you. You, who are my own friend, underestimate me?

Yes, we are at the point where my life might be sad... that's why you think I sympathize with you. But I didn't scold you because my life was sad... I scolded you for your own sake." His voice trembled as if he was reframing anger.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just carried away by my emotions. Forgive me, please. I'm really sorry Prom. I need someone to lean on right now... I need you and Ford." I beg.

"I'm sorry, I forgot how to forgive." his fierce looks.

Prom turned his back on me and walked away as if nothing had happened, while I was left distressed and frustrated. I couldn't do anything but follow him with my eyes, and let him disappeared from my sight.

I turned around to leave and I saw Ford standing in the distance, I saw a disappointing and regretting in his eyes. I just held my breath because I was so frustrated while looking at him.

I sat on the bench of the field next to Ford as I breathed in the fresh air,

"what did he tell you?" Ford approach me with a question,

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