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Author's POV:

A few years have passed but until now Gemini still hasn't woken up, Gemini's parents still don't lose courage and hope that one day they will have a child.

"Doc, it's been a year... How long does my son have to suffer? You said he's only temporarily paralyzed, what is it really?" Pan's frustrated voice.

"Gemini is so strong, he's still fighting for his life. I think he's just waiting for something to come, but I'm sure that Gemini will wake up." The doctor replied confidently.

"Doc, please do everything to wake up my son. I don't want to see him suffer, it's like you have mercy that no matter how dear I am I will pay just save my son." Nhai begged when he knelt down to the doctor.

"Mom..." Phuwin's voice was frustrated when he held his mom's arm to make her stand up.

"Hon, stand right there." Uen whispered as he grabbed Nhai's Arm to help her to stand up.

Phuwin's POV:

I entered Gemini's room and walked closer to the patient bed where he was lying, I sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand.

"I know you can hear me. Gem, do you know that it's been a year, if you can't fight anymore... You can rest now. I don't want to see you struggling." I sobbed.

I continued, "Oreo misses you, he always asks me when you will get better, when you will go home, when you will wake up. How long, Gem?"

I noticed that his heartbeat was getting faster because of the patient monitor, so I think he is awake and he can hear me.

"I'd rather you rest than force yourself to fight, because I'll be relieved that when you rest... you won't feel pain anymore." I answered in tears.

I continued while sobbing, "It's only been 2 years since Fourth got his dream, and yet... He still doesn't know about your condition."

I could see the tears coming out of the corner of Gemini's eyes even though he had his eyes closed, his heartbeat pumping so fast when I mentioned Fourth's name.

Author's POV:

Fourth spending his days studying with his new friends, new environment, new people, and new lifestyle. He learned to hang out because his friends invited him, he didn't refuse because he also took it as a rest day.

He's really still the same, Fourth never changes. Many of his friends introduced him to him but he turned it down, his main reason was 'I'm sorry, I have something to go back to in Bangkok.'

Fourth tried to date or get to know someone else but he couldn't, I guess Gemini has a big part in Fourth's heart.

"It's weird to hear but... I can't imagine my future with anyone else, but Gemini. My whole life revolved around him. I always included him in all my dreams... Because I thought our love would last forever." Fourth said.

He rarely calls his mom because he is busy with schoolwork, and he can only pick up his phone once in a while because he often uses his laptop to study.

Fourth's POV:

After hanging out with my friends, we decided to go for a walk on the side of the road, because our houses are close. Almost all of my girl friends are drunk and dizzy, while the boys are just there to support them.

While we were walking, I suddenly stopped when I stared at the big building and I saw Gemini's advertisement of a Swiss product on the digital billboard and I didn't realize that tears were gathering in my eyes while staring at Gemini.

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