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Ford's POV:

When we got back to my house, I immediately got out of the car without even talking to him or even saying goodbye, instead I went straight into the door of the house. I didn't even look at him even though he blew his horn several times just to catch my attention.

I walked to the kitchen to get a beer from the fridge and sat down at the counter to drink, I put my phone on the counter when I saw Mark calling me.

I immediately answered the call and put the phone screen to my ear.

"I'm here in front of your house, why didn't you talk to me or even say goodbye at least?" Mark looks furious.

"Stop honking the car horn or dad will wake up." I excuse even though my dad is overseas.

"Go out and talk to me, it's not me, you suddenly got out of the car as if nothing happened." His calm voice.

"I'm going to rest, be careful when you go home." My cold voice.

"N' Ford, What's wrong? If you were uncomfortable with what you were doing, I'm sorry I won't do it again." He answered calmly.

"It's okay P' Mark. It's almost morning, go home." I answered witheringly.

I immediately hung up and a few seconds later I heard the engine of his car start, I couldn't stop crying while drinking alcohol at the counter and hearing his car leaving.

I was so tired that I was sobbing and dizzy after drinking that I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep on the counter.

Fourth's POV:

The next day I went to the columbarium to visit my deceased father, I placed flowers while standing in the niches and staring at the urn.

"Dad, I came here to say goodbye. I passed the bar exam to take a Juris doctor, and my flight to Swisterland is tonight. Wherever you are now, please watch over mom, even if I'm not here, as long as she's safe. here." I tearfully talked to my father's urn.

I added, "I want to become a professional lawyer like your dream for me. So even if you don't see me graduate, I will pursue my dream for you and mom."

After I visited Dad at the columbarium, I went to my house to get my other belongings and bring them to our house. I immediately went home to pack and take care of the things I will bring to Swisterland.

"Fourth, are you ready? We'll just wait for you downstairs." Mom knocked on the door of my bedroom.

"Khab, Mom." I answered him.

While I was arranging clothes in my luggage, I looked out the window because of the strong wind and caught a glimpse of Gemini's bedroom window, I stared at his window for several minutes until I remembered when we were children, he was always yelling at window to convey to me what he had to say.

Even when I'm sleeping in the middle of the night, he manages to throw toys at my window, which disturbs my sleep. When I open the window, he just smiles at me and wave, which is what I hate because I'm very sleepy.

"I'll fix myself first. Be careful, Gemgem." I whispered while staring at the window.

After I finished packing, I closed my luggage and left the room.

"Don't you have anything left? Let's go?" Mom invited me.

Before I went out, I looked at the whole corner of the house with a warm smile because I knew I would miss our house, I was about to get in the car when I suddenly remembered something.

"Just wait mom, I forgot to go to something." I retreat.

I immediately went to the tree house and broke the fragile ladder that was hanging in the trunk of the tree, "I won't let anyone play here, this treehouse is only for us. I will come back to you, to renovate."

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