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I lean my forehead on my father's hand while crying quitely, until someone caress my back and give me a warm hug.

"What's wrong? Huh?" my mom said with a comforting voice.

I quickly wiped my tears before facing my mom, I don't want her to seem crying and feel worried. I take a deep breath and turned to her with a fake smile.

"Nothing, I'm just having a hard time with my acads right now." I excused,

She gave me a sweet smile and nod, I know she's not convinced by what I've said.

"Hmm... I know you, what really happened?"

"Nothing, I've been busy with academics lately. That's why I'm crying because I can't visit dad anymore." I shake my hand and smile to assured her. I don't want to express my feeling so I just lie, so it's over.
"You and your dad are really the same. You, you want to visit him... But, he always asks me if you go to school. By the way, watch over your dad first. I'll just buy you something to eat." my mom changed the topic,

"I'll buy it, you should rest here. You've been watching over dad all day, rest first." I said to take over.

While I was walking in the hallway, my phone vibrated on my pocket. I immediately took it out and saw an unknown number calling.

"Hello?" I asked as I answered the call.

"This is Mark." Mark's voice over the phone.

"Aw, P' Mark. Where did you get my number?" I asked, full of curiousity.

I was walking out of the hospital to meet Mark in the parking lot. When I got to his car, I looked around before I got inside the car.

"You're terrible at doing 360 turns on your head in the entire parking lot." Mark grin as I entered the car.

"Probably. I don't want to have an issue with you. So... Why did you send me here?"

"I have your I.D. You dropped it in the car a last night ago," he stated,

I got a side eye when I glance at him because I didn't believe what he said. In less than a few seconds, he showed me my I.D. that he was holding.

I stretched my body to grab the lace of my ID, but he moved his hand so fast,"Oopss..."

"Give it to me." I answered sparingly, I looked at him seriously.

"No, I'm hungry... Treat me with food first." Mark smiled at me with raised eyebrows.

"No. I don't want!! You can't be seen in public, and I don't have any money here." I spurned his condition.

"I don't care, I'm hungry. Let's go!" Mark invite me,

He got out of the car wearing a hoddie jacket and facemask, and went around the car to the other side to open the door for me.

"Let's go." His ask.

"If we are spotted together, I will file a case against you." I warned him teasingly.

I noticed him being attentive, when he opened the car door for me and held the car roof door edge so that if I ever bumped, I wouldn't get hurt, which is something I've never felt with Gemini every time he drives me.

When we arrived at the cafe, we sat in the corner. Fortunately, there weren't many people at that time, but I decided to go to the counter to order.

"After this, give me back my ID." I handed him his drinks and foods.

"You're only drinking, you're not going to eat?"

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