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The social media quickly heated up because of the interaction between Gemini and Mark that the fans noticed, they became number one trending worldwide because of the way the two looked at each other as if there was a conflict.

Various negative and positive comments appeared on social media, there was an argument between Gemini and Mark's fandom.

Gemini and Mark really had an issue before, since Gemini and Mint returned to Thailand. The random fan-cam picture that Mark and Mint are dating beforr, but Mark denied it to the medias when the people had an issue with Mint.

Mark's fans allege that there was a love affair. Due to the heat of the fans on social media, criticism posts of Gemini's fans against Mark's fans came out.

Mark's fans insisted that Gemini stole Mint from Mark, Gemini's fans denied it against Mark's rejection of Mint before.

"What the fuck!! Idolized a usurper." Mark's fans hate.

"Stop using the world 'usurp' to criticized Gemin's issue with Mark. Mark already cleared up that issue before, that already give a statement that he and Mint had never been together." defense of Gemini's fans.

Fourth's POV:

I wrapped myself with a thick cushy blanket above my waist while lying in the bed and staring at the window, I heard the door open so I knew Gemini was coming in but I acted like fool.

I was crying silently while lying down, my cheeks turn into red and my rosy nose due to my cries. My fluffy cheeks turned red, and my nose was rosy from sniffing while sobbing without making a sound, I didn't know why I was affected by Gemini's issue spreading all over the internet.

I felt so heavy in my chest when I realized that Gemini was lying in bed, mixing emotions I felt those hours, I trying not to make a noisy of sniff or sob.

I closed my eyes and let the tears come out of my eyes until I fell asleep.

Author's POV:

When Gemini woke up in the morning he noticed that Fourth was no longer next to him, he came down to the living room he went straight to the kitchen to find Fourth but all he saw was a quiet living room and a clean kitchen.
"Ai'fourth. Fourth." Gemini's calm voice as he headed to the kitchen.

He saw nothing in the kitchen but a tupperware on the counter with a chicken sandwich and sticky note.

"Eat on the road, just in case you starve to traffic." Fourth's note.

After Gemini read the note left by Fourth, Gemini didn't realized that his was smiling when he opening the tupperware he saw the chicken sandwich made by Fourth.

As Fourth was in the cafeterir, Prom and Ford wondered that his sight were far away.

"Fourth." Prom's called him.

Prom had a tap and a call to Fourth but he was just dazed in the distance.

"Ai 'Shia Fourth!" Prom shouted in annoyance, as he stood up and beaten the table of two palms.

"Hey!!" Fourth exclaimed, his consciousness returned in shock.

"You idiot, what are you thinking?!Prom look so annoyed and sit down again.

"Nothing, I just wondering if we missed a projects." Fourth's smuggling.

"You've passed all the projects to our professors last week, what's really in your mind?" Ford replied as if his not convincing.

"You might think that your childhood brother Gemini." Prom guesting,

"Why do I think about him, I don't care about that showbiz." Fourth deny it.

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