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Author's POV:

While Fourth was in the taxi going to his condo, he took a rest because he was tired from the flight and he didn't have enough sleep, he was so deep in his sleep that he didn't notice that Ford was calling him.

Fourth's POV:

I woke up because the driver called me, when I opened my eyes we were already in front of my condominium so the driver helped me put down all my luggage that was placed in the car trunk. The car left immediately after I dropped off my things, so I entered the condominium as well.

When I got to my room, I immediately looked for my phone to call my mom, I was surprised because I couldn't find anything in my pocket so I also tried to find it in my bag.

"Where's my phone?" I wonder.

After a while, I thought about where I had put the phone last.


When Fourth got into the car, he took a nap to rest, he didn't notice that his phone was in his hand.

As he rested so much, his grip on the phone gradually loosened and it slipped out of his hand, he didn't even realize that his phone fell under the car seat.


"Ai' shia Fourth! You dumbass!!" His voice was frustrated after he realized where he dropped the phone.

After I finished arranging my things in the wardrobes, I decided to unwind on the side of the road and have dinner.

Author's POV:

Fourth went to the nearby mall to buy a new phone, after he bought it he decided to eat at a restaurant for dinner because it was late.

While Fourth was eating, he was studying the new phone he bought because he didn't quite memorize its unit, and in less than a few minutes, a man approached him.

"Hi, can I have a seat here?" He approaches Fourth when he points the chair that is next to Fourth.

"Oh sure." Fourth smiled at him.

"Are you Swiss?" He asked me.

"No, I'm Thai." Fourth's grin.

"Oh... You're from Thailand? What are you doing here in Switzerland?" He asked again.

"To study. I passed the University of Zurich's bar exam to take a Juris Doctor." Fourth gave him a warm smile.

"Ohh... Future Attorney?" He looks so amazed.

"Not really but I hope so." Fourth smirk.

"By the way, I'm Aries. And you are..." He asked me.

"I'm Fourth, Nice to meet you." Fourth's introduction.

"I'll go ahead, thank you for your time." His happy voice.

"Bye, thanks to you too." Fourth smiled awkwardly.

When Aries left the restaurant, Fourth suddenly threw up and drank some water.

"Ohoo! Maybe it's not obvious that zodiac signs will draw me closer." I asked myself.

Fourth's POV:

When I got home to the condo, I immediately called my mom on the phone to say hello, she answered right away but it wasn't my mom who spoke.

"I'm sorry mom if I haven't been able to update. I left my phone in the taxi I got in, I just bought a new phone." I spoke after answering the call.

"Fourth, it's me Pond." His voice is sluggish.

"Aw, P' Pond. Where's mom?" I ask.

"Auntie Pan is still sleeping, it's dawn here." He answered me.

"Oh... Please tell mom that I called. Then... I'm going to bed. Bye, P' Pond." I answered the phone before I hung up the call.

The next day, I got ready early to go to the University that I attended to fix the requirements, I lost time using social media and contacting my mom because I was busy with the upcoming school.

I only used that phone to have interactions with the University, if ever there were announcements or texts that were sent to me thru messages. I can no longer open my social media because the password has been changed, so I only interact with email.

I guess the person who got my phone from the taxi will hack my account, because the social media platform is also toxic so I don't download on my phone anymore.

Now that I realized why I didn't contact Gemini when he was in Canada, and now... I have no one else to contact but Mom and P'Pond.

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