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Fourth's POV:

I stayed at Gemini's house because he doesn't allow me to drove back last night, he even talked to me about where I wanted to sleep but I said I'll just stay in the guest room next to his room because I'm not yet feel good about what he did.

That night was very awkward because of what happened, we couldn't even look at each other's eyes.

I admit that I wanted something to happen to us, but not in that way! I don't want anything to happen to us when he's not in his sense, I don't want any of us to regret what will happens when we wakes up in the morning.

I don't know why, but I can't resent and have a grudge against him, it's because I love Gemini. It sounds desperate, but I don't think I can't see myself in the future without Gemini.

Gemini's POV:

*next day

When I woke up in the morning, I still felt dizzy because of the headache, I left the room and went straight to the kitchen to get some water. I didn't think that Fourth was in the kitchen and cooking on the stove, I felt doubt that I would face him because of what happened last night.

I don't know why I hesitated with Fourth, maybe because of the unpleasant behavior I did to him, I sat at the counter and watched Fourth cook.

"Fourth." I softly call his name.

I suddenly stopped mixing the fried rice in the pan when I heard Gemini call my name, I didn't know if I should turn at him or respond because I still felt awkwardness between us.

I wanted to talk to him, but I was afraid that he might do what he did last night again and I'm so intimidated to face him, so I chose to continue cooking and just ignore him.

While were having a breakfast at the same table, I didn't even try or intend to look at him, instead I just slightly bow and keep eating.

"I'm sorry, if made you feel uncomfortable last night." he open the conversation.

My chopsticks slipped through my hands, I was stunned and speechless when he finally talk first and looked straight at him.

"It's okay, let's just forget." Fourth forced a smile.

"Be don't be mad, if I made you uneasy.

"I'm not mad, I'm fine." I put a smile to make it lighten.

Our conversation interrupt we someone ring the doorbell, I initiative to stand up and open the door to make Gemini and I feel less awkward.

I was quite surprise to see Mint standing in front of the door staring at me, Mint entered the house directly as if he had not seen me.

"Where's my boyfriend?" Mint asked as she stepped inside the house.

I closed the door and followed Mint to the kitchen, I force feet to stop from walking and my eyes blinked in astonishment after I saw her approached my husband with a smack kiss on the lips.

Gemini looked at me with a blank stares after Mint kissed him in front of me, I avoid eye contact with him and acted as if I saw nothing.

"I'm sorry, love. Please don't be angry with me." Mint stated, she took my chair and sat next to Gemini.

Gemini doesn't pay attention to her because his eyes is all on me, Mint looked suspicious when she noticed that his lover was astonish by me, so she also glance at me from head to toe.

"P' Gem. I'll go first, I still have class." Fourth's disregarding.

Fourth quickly turned his back and walked out of the house, Gemini was about to stand up to follow him but Mint pulled him back and made him sit down.

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