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I left the house to looked after Oreo and Fourth, while I was walking to find them I saw Fourth sitting on the bench of the playground around their village and talking to Oreo.

I couldn't help but adore them as I watching the two from a distance, I knew that Fourth could handle Oreo so he didn't approach him anymore.

Fourth's POV:

"Do you know that your Dada and I always play here every time we don't have school?" I said with a smile.

I added, "this is the bench we sit on, this is where your dada and I always rest when we are tired of playing."

"Is Dada clumsy to play?" Oreo asked hiccuping.

"of course, he always stumbles and falls here. That's why when we go back home, Auntie Nhai is always angry because he has a new wound on his knee." I made Oreo chuckled sightly,

"I also want to play here." Oreo replied.

"I'll play with you, so you don't feel alone."

I tried to entertain Oreo to get rid of the weight of his feelings, he is too young to feel this kind of situation. I felt sorry for Oreo because he doesn't deserve a broken family, he deserves the care of a mother.

Maybe that's why Oreo is mature enough to act and think because he has become aware of this reality, he also has feelings and the only thing he feels now is pain and hatred. I understand Oreo's feelings, no child wants to be left behind by a parent.

"I'll catch you when you slide down." I replied to him as I helped him climb the slide.

While he was running to the grill, I was waiting for him in the slip hole, I couldn't picture Oreo's face playing happily in the playground.

"Uncle Fourth, chase after me." he try to play with me.

"Be careful, I'll catch up with you." I chased after him.

I can't help but laugh at his pace because of his small steps, so I just keep up with him. As small as his steps are, so are my steps.

"so narak." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Uncle Fourth let's play hide and seek, I'm the one who it." Oreo's entertainment.

"Okay, I'm going to hide. Count to 10, don't peek." I answered him.

While he was counting, I started looking for a place to hide. I hid under the slides, after he counted I suddenly heard him scream.

When I came out from where I was hiding, I saw him on the ground and holding his knee. I immediately ran out of worry, I knelt down in front of him to check on him and he suddenly grabbed me.

"Boom." He tapped me,

"Oreo, you tricked me."

He giggled.

It was only then that I realized that was Oreo's strategy to get me to come out from where I was hiding.

"Oh my god Oreo. That didn't count, you cheated." I complain.

Oreo stood in front of me and hugged me, "it's okay uncle Fourth, at least I know that you care about me."


"Thank you, uncle Fourth." his tiny voice when he tightened his hug on me.

I couldn't help but tear up for him as he hugged me very warmly, "Of course I care about you."

As we got back home, Oreo and I stopped at the door when we saw them in the living room waiting for us, and Oreo's mom was still there. They immediately stood up and stared at both of us, Gemini approached me and stood beside me.

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