003. Midsummer Night's Dream (Zero)

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Book: A Midsummer Night's DreamAuthor: PviscelleReviewer: moonkissed_child

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Book: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Author: Pviscelle
Reviewer: moonkissed_child

Cover looks good, colours match and the font is very pretty <3
About the description, it's short and yet informative. Sometimes you don't have to make them that long for them to be good. It doesn't reveal anything of the plotwist and yet makes one want to read it.
Also, I really like the title!

It's perfect, I cannot think of anything you could've added to it. You wrote a disclaimer and your copyright, that's good.

Story in general:
This is an absolute masterpiece. At this point I realized that I don't even have anything negative to say about your story as it is perfect in my eyes. You described even the smallest things and I really like the words you chose. I did not expect the ending at all and think the topic you chose to write about was really good. There are no mistakes (at least I couldn't find any) and everything is written so nicely.

You explained for the people that did not understand and that's a good thing to do (:
Another thing I am so happy about: you did RESEARCH for your story. That's- that makes me as a reviewer want to cry out of happiness. Research sometimes (depends on the the story) is your best friend when writing a book.

Good job, really! I'm glad I got to read your short story. There are no spelling mistakes whatsoever and that's really impressive (I personally always find at least one when rereading it (': )

 There are no spelling mistakes whatsoever and that's really impressive (I personally always find at least one when rereading it (': )

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