❤Hermione: Angel❤

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❤ Username: AthenaPersephone9

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❤ Status:
Closed for orders

❤ Know your Reviewer:

1. Preferred Name: Angel or Ange

2. Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

3. Genre (s) you are comfortable with: Almost any genre, really.

4. Genre (s) you are not comfortable with: Erotic/Sexual Romance

5. Are you okay with mature content?:  Yeah, I'm okay with it.  However, frequent, graphic sexual actions in a book make me uncomfortable, so I won't be judging any of those. Sex is fine, just not all the time and not too graphic.

6. Are you okay with LGBTQ+ content?: Yes, of course!

7. Payment (s): A permanent follow on Wattpad would be fine. Any other support is completely optional.

8. Time required to review one book:  I think it really depends on the length of the book.  If the book is 10-20 chapters, it should only take me a few days.  Anything longer could take me 2-4 weeks, depending on exactly how long it is.

9. Can you tell us about yourself?
Hi, I'm Angel!  I've been an avid writer and reader since the age of seven. Being a writer for so long has allowed me to gain knowledge from many of my support network about writing. I'll be honest, my first book wasn't that great, as I hadn't really edited or anything of the sort.  Having someone that isn't you to look at your work can really make a difference. Besides writing, I also enjoy movies, tv (specifically sitcoms) and spending time with friends.

10. What is your reviewing method? What are the main categories you take into consideration? (Like cover, blurb, grammar, etc.):  The main things I take into acount when reviewing are grammar, layout, blurb, and plot.  It's tricky for some writers to notice grammar issues, as writers often skim their work when editing.  I find that bad grammar can make the story seem choppy and uninteresting, no matter how good the plot is.  I also find that a bad layout tends to make a book less interesting and less cohesive.  As for the blurb, it should be able to successfully tease the book without spoiling anything, but also hooking the reader along.  Finally, description.  I've seen a lot of books where a person's thoughts and actions aren't described well, and that makes a book less interesting to read.  These are the main things I look for, but I'll complete a full review.

11. How detailed will your review be? Do you offer any length options (like short reviewer, detailed review, etc.) to the customers? If yes, state them.:  I offer two reviews: Scored and Unscored.  I am a judge for some awards, so I am used to rating certain aspects.  This review will include scores, as well as a brief explanation of my thoughts.  Unscored will just include my thoughts under subheadings.

12. Can you please share some tips to the writers?: Proofreading and editing your chapters before you put them on Wattpad really makes a difference.  It can help you catch a lot of those pesky grammar errors.  Consider typing your work up in a google or word document before posting it.  That way, you can try things out without posting the chapter at first.  I write my entire books out before posting them, which helps me a lot.

13. What is a really common flaw with the writers on Wattpad that you have found by reading the books present in this community?:  Description.  I struggle with it myself sometimes.  I've also noticed that many people don't give their characters enough backstory or their character tropes don't make sense.

14. Do you also offer to judge graphic designs like covers, banners, GIFs, aesthetics, etc.?: I'll be honest, graphics aren't my specialty, so I won't be judging them.

15. What do you think is the key to becoming a successful writer?:  Listening to advice and your peers.  Yes, not everyone is going to like your work, and that's okay.  But it's good to get constructive criticism, as it makes your work better.  Also, don't try to pressure yourself to write something.  If writing becomes a daunting task, then you should take a break.  You don't need to have a deadline right now.  Just take a break every once in a while so your mental health stays intact.

  Just take a break every once in a while so your mental health stays intact

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