012. A World Without Power (Chelle)

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Author: SabineWren26                           Book: A World Without PowerReviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

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Author: SabineWren26                          
Book: A World Without Power
Reviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

Cover: The cover is mysterious and attracts my attention easily. Only thing I don’t quite get is Power dripping in blood. When I think of power I think of strength, capacity, powerful. The blood writing doesn’t quite give that umph to it like it should. I would experiment with different fonts and styles with Power to make it stand out like you want. But that’s my personal opinion.

Title: The title is catchy. I quite like it. It also draws in attention making the viewer/reader want to open to the first page. I wouldn’t change it at all.

Grammar & Punctuation: With the introduction and the first two chapters I didn’t see any grammar or punctuation errors. Which is again a wonderful start.

Plot & Blurb: Introduction is flawless. It reeled me in and sank its hook into. My attention had be caught by the end of the first paragraph. The plot so far is fantastic. The book isn’t complete so I can’t really judge the plot because some books the plot is there in the first half and it vanishes in the second half.

Writing style: It is unique; one of its own. It’s not difficult to read or follow along with. But it wasn’t the simplest writing style either. Which is why I think it’s unique.

Tips: When characters are talking; their talking is quite long. As in twenty lines of talking it felt like. It was more talking in chapter one than what was going on around them, narrating, scenery, etc. I felt like I was reading lines to a movie or text messages between friends. I would add details about what’s going on around them to even the characters chit chat. There’s too many short paragraphs that could be combined into several longer ones. And the cover that I mentioned about. But those are my own personal opinions; you can do as you want because it’s your book. But, coming from a reader I would lose interest slowly with some of it.

Reviewer’s personal thoughts: The introduction was flawless in my eyes. I love how you didn’t go into detail on your characters in the character section. I loved each one of the pictures of the characters. They seem fitting for them. Sabine enters the scene; I loved the introduction and how you warned readers updates would be possibly slow. It shows you’re trying to.. How do I say it. Communicate? No, engage with the readers? Which is good because you aren’t like oh if I don’t update than oh well kind of attitude. Now, that would have made readers exit the book in general. I loved the flow of the chapters; they were choppy, they were uneven. They were consistent and smooth. So far no grammar or punctuation errors which is rare normally. You done a wonderful job just keep the flow of the story smooth and I can see this being a book I would continue to read. If my review hurts your feelings, I didn’t mean it like that. These are just my thoughts and tips that could drawer more attention to your book.

Cover: 7/10
Title: 9/10
Grammar & punctuation: 10/10 for the introduction and two chapters that were written.
Plot: 8/10
Blurb: 8/10
Writing Style: 9/10

 Plot: 8/10Blurb: 8/10Writing Style: 9/10

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