015. Love at Dawn (Rose)

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Book: Love at DawnAuthor: LiebeKlaraReviewer: The_GryffindorMalfoy

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Book: Love at Dawn
Author: LiebeKlara
Reviewer: The_GryffindorMalfoy

Cover- It is simple and elegant cover and gives an insight to the story in a way that intrigues the reader. It matches the theme of the book with the love of Andre and Edith. However the title on the cover is plain and needs a pop of color, maybe a slight shadow. This would make it stand out.

Blurb- A blurb is usually 100-150 words 200 max. The blurb for this story is quite long and may divert the attention of the reader due to its length. Using a different font will create a catchy blurb. The blurb starts with a well written poem and is followed by a description of the story and character intro of Edith, Andre and Fiona the main characters of the story. The Blurb shows what to expect from the story. Abridging the blurb will not only make it easy to familiarize with but will also create a mystery about the characters, the development  of plot and introduction of new characters like Fiona. The blurb ends with a question, this drew my attention and kept me to read the story, Overall the Blurb created an atmosphere and set us into the time period, whisking me away into the insight of the French Revolution.

Plot- The Plot of the story is honestly very mysterious and eye-catching, two revolutionist trying to fight their way in a society that is broken up in pieces. It gives the reader a point of view of someone living during the French Revolution and how they survived. There are many mysteries and events that are layered to form such a beautiful story. Andre’s secret, the execution of Louis the XVI, The love of Raphael for Edith. It adds spice to the main story and keeps it interesting. The story starts with the story of little Edith, she meets Andre and becomes his acquaintance and later a close friend. Time skip and Edith is now 16 with her love for Andre still there. Fiona is also another character introduced, a young girl helped by Edith whom she thought to be an angel. The plot in conclusion was quite a lot but it was new and something you won’t find everywhere. I suggest you brush it up a bit and this would be an amazing story.

Character Development- The character development shown in this story is truly applaudable, Edith is showcased as a young but wise girl, someone who would grow up to be an amazing woman. The way you express Edith’s character through mere words is amazing. You gave her a personality, a character and something she could live up too, being Lady Liberty. The character development is not only noticed in the main characters but also Andre who’s emotions you express through wonderful poems written by him, his view on the situation gives a new side to everything and adds depth to it. Another character who I absolutely loved was Charlene, she is such an amazing character, a great friend to Edith and you give a beautiful insight to her. Though she was a former Aristocrat, she was given kindness and courage which can clearly be seen by how loving and caring she is towards Raphael and Edith. Her saving Edith by jumping from the wheelchair shown an amazing twist in the story and gave us depth into the character.
I love how you have displayed the emotions of the characters through different means, they all were given a meaning and a significance, with their own story and were focuses on equally.

Grammar- A few spelling mistakes here and there but can be fixed with a little bit of editing. Punctuation is good but it could be better, shortening the sentences would help.

Overall- A good story, I suggest you give it a few rounds of Edits and it would be good. An amazing plot, amazing characters. I suggest changing the cover and shortening the blurb. This however is only my opinion and it is up to you to follow it or discard it.


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