007. Love A Rollercoaster (Xarya)

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Title: Love A Rollercoaster Author: Emerald_666666 Reviewer: boredom_sucks1234

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Title: Love A Rollercoaster
Author: Emerald_666666
Reviewer: boredom_sucks1234

Cover: Is definitely interesting, however I would recommend maybe having an actual roller coaster on the cover, sure it doesn't relate to the story but it matches the title. Also, work on the title placement.

Blurb: The blurb is able to capture the attention of any potential readers, however I would recommend going back and Editing it. There's simple errors made in the Blurb that make a huge difference on its impact on the readers. I would also look at the wording of certain sentences, there's some words thrown into the Blurb that don't necessarily fit with the context they're written in.

Summary: Onto the actual book, a key aspect to focus on is paragraph breaks. Whenever a new person begins speaking, start it on a new paragraph. It makes for better structure and an overall better reading experience.

Again, I'm going to stress on the vocab used in the book, some of the words don't suit the context they're used in and that needs to change in order to hold the interest of readers.

The overall storyline of the story is interesting and it definitely could turn into something more if the book is properly edited.

Grammer: There are quite a few errors made throughout the book however, that isn't something that can't be fixed with a bit of editing.

Grammer: There are quite a few errors made throughout the book however, that isn't something that can't be fixed with a bit of editing

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