006. The Council of Gods (Xarya)

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Title: The Council of Gods Author: Dark_GhostieReviewer: boredom_sucks1234

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Title: The Council of Gods
Author: Dark_Ghostie
Reviewer: boredom_sucks1234

Cover: The brightness of the gold properly contrasts with the black used in the background and attracts the attention of potential readers. I like the elements floating around in the bubbles/circles.

Blurb: The blurb is short and sweet, is able to create interest in the mind of a reader and is simple. It creates suspense and a reader is, in the back of their mind curious to see what happens next after reading it.

Summary: As a Gemini myself, I can say that I definitely found the story to be interesting and would love to see more of the author's work when I get the time. The concept is well… In one word, entrancing. I have to admit that I was extremely saddened by the fact that the story had so few chapters, however the mere fact that it is so beautifully written makes up for it. My favourite part, however has got to be the fact that the star signs all interact the way I'd imagined them to be. Hats off to the author for being so creatively accurate while writing. I have to admit it though, the ending absolutely killed me.

Grammer: The Grammer is excellent and far better than what I could personally ever write, and believe me when I say that's no easy feat. (I totally didn't just say that so I could use the word feat because I forgot it existed till I read this book).

 (I totally didn't just say that so I could use the word feat because I forgot it existed till I read this book)

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