024. Novalunosis (Hu Tao)

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Book: NovalunosisAuthor: KlausforprezReviewer: WH0_TA0

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Book: Novalunosis
Author: Klausforprez
Reviewer: WH0_TA0

The cover: nice, it's really pretty! I love how you made the silhouette ^^

The blurb: a couple of typos and you keep switching between informal and formal, so it doesn't make much sense, but it still explains the whole story and it's very thrilling. also, thank you for adding the mature tag and the warnings, a lot of people don't add them.

Some mistakes:
In chapter one (BBS) i don't understand what the opening means (But I personally believe the stars are a fantasy.) it's not that the opening isn't good, it just doesn't make sense or fit in with the next part of the chapter.

I'm sort of confused because you keep switching between informal and formal, one second it's too formal for a first person POV, next second you have swear words in it. I don't mean to be offensive, but if you're going to write a book, i suggest you pick a style and stick to it. (for example, you've wrote ignominious, it just doesn't fit in the story since the person thinking this is the heir to the American mafia, so i'd say he's quite tough)

"tut, tut, tut what I fuckin shame to cut all that hair." I seethe "Must have taken years to grow." i don't actually understand what this part means, it's really informal yet formal at the same time.

" i don't actually understand what this part means, it's really informal yet formal at the same time

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