014. The Battle's Revenge (Chelle)

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Author: croqvetkills- Book: The Battle’s RevengeReviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

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Author: croqvetkills-
Book: The Battle’s Revenge
Reviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

Cover: The cover is cute. However, it doesn’t  give any insight about the book. Nothing shows what the book is truly about. It doesn’t grab attention in all honesty. I would spice the cover up with something that’s inside the book.  You don’t have to go all Harry Potter Themed but something other than a girl with red hair as a cover would work. But that’s your choice.

Title: The title I like. It does draw attention. It would have me wanting to pick it up to see what it’s about.

Grammar & Punctuation: I didn’t see any grammar or punctuation errors so far which is rare normally. I can tell you proofread your chapters over and over again before publishing them.

Plot & Blurb: The description didn’t give too much away which meant you had to open it up to read the first chapter. First chapter drew me in; the writer knew how to phrase or write to keep the reader interested. The plot goes smoothly and each chapter doesn’t swerve off the plot.

Writing style: It’s easy to read. Nothing too difficult about it. Some readers love difficult writing styles while others like easier writing styles. This meets in the middle.

Tips: Only thing I can think of is the cover. It needs a little something to grab the attention of readers. If you keep the cover I would use a font that represents Harry Potter; like how Disney has their own fonts. Or a wand with magic or smoke coming out the end of with shooting the words of title out. Anything to grab the attention. But, that’s all your choice.

Reviewer’s personal thoughts: Flawless so far. First chapter had me at the get go. I loved how you hadn’t overly described how she felt about Draco. You made me feel her emotions which is incredible. When she cried, I wanted to cry with her. I loved the titles of each chapter. You done a fantastic job.

Cover: 5/10
Title: 9/10
Grammar & punctuation: 10/10 for the few chapters that’s written
Plot: 8/10
Blurb: 8/10
Writing Style: 9/10

Cover: 5/10Title: 9/10Grammar & punctuation: 10/10 for the few chapters that’s writtenPlot: 8/10Blurb: 8/10Writing Style: 9/10

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