021. The Man in Grey (Chelle)

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Author: iamKansheeBook: The Man In GreyReviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

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Author: iamKanshee
Book: The Man In Grey
Reviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

Cover: It goes well with the title and gives off it’s a fanfic book. Red compliments the grey tones.

Title: It’s simple yet unique in a way. Cover however, attracts me to the book itself.

Grammar & Punctuation: I didn’t see any errors here.

Plot & Blurb: Description didn’t give anything away. However, once reading it took me a little while to figure out what the plot was about.

Writing style: It is simple and easy to read.

Tips: Try using only one text with dialogue either bold or normal. Italics for when they’re thinking something. It can confuse readers when it’s several in a small few lines. More description/details should be in between dialogues so we can see what they’re seeing or feel what they’re feeling. It’s mainly just dialogues in most chapters. Longer description. You have like a few words as a description.

Reviewer’s personal thoughts: The grammar and punctuation is flawless so far. I wouldn’t use bold when writing dialogue then continue writing in normal text. It can distract readers from the book itself. After normal text it jumps to italics which again could confuse or distract a reader. I would put more descriptions or details in between the dialogues because there’s so much dialogue there’s barely anything be described between the people. But this is my personal thought. You can keep it how you like. If this hurts your feelings; I didn’t mean it like that. 🫶

Cover: 7/10
Title: 6/10
Grammar & punctuation: 10/10 for what is written
Plot: 6/10
Blurb: 6/10
Writing Style: 6/10

Cover: 7/10Title: 6/10Grammar & punctuation: 10/10 for what is writtenPlot: 6/10Blurb: 6/10Writing Style: 6/10

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