028. Kiss Me Away (Chelle)

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Author: Min_Suga_kookBook: Kiss Me AwayReviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

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Author: Min_Suga_kook
Book: Kiss Me Away
Reviewer: Life_Under_The_Stars

Cover: The cover told me it was a fanfic. That it would be about BTS. However it doesn't go with the title but that's okay.

Title: It's catchy. I like it.

Grammar & Punctuation: Okay, grammar isn't the issue. Your grammar is perfect. However, your first chapter, all those small paragraphs can go together and make one paragraph. There's too much spacing going on. Again, in chapter two, there's too much spacing going on in between paragraphs. And again, some of those paragraphs can be combined together instead of having five mini paragraphs have one normal paragraph. Each of the ones I'm pointing out, they all go together anyways; so why have them split up.

Plot & Blurb: The blurb was short. However, even with it being short; it was still descriptive. It attracted my attention and would definitely have me picking this up to read.

Writing style: It's not difficult to read.

*They requested that I pay attention to story pacing, smoothness, interactions between the leads, their romance seem forced? Emotional accuracy. The vibe of the story.* (Reminder to self)

Tips: I would go back and fix the small mistakes like your paragraphs and the spacing. Go back and proofread it to make sure it's how you want it, make sure you don't see any mistakes or holes in your plots etc. Always proofread not once but a few times. That's what I do, which I still will find tiny errors I had over looked three turns ago.

Reviewer's personal thoughts: They had me look in depth at the characters interaction, the emotions, etc. When reading the book; I felt each of their emotions. The chapters are short, some readers won't mind. So might. But it's how long you want each chapter to be. You could be more descriptive like what they see around them etc. Fix the paragraph errors and your story will run a lot smoother than it is. Their romance at first felt forced in a way. But as time goes by in the book, it's not forced at all. Your pacing is fine I didn't see any issues with it. It's just the minor things here and there I would fix. But, over all I enjoyed this book. I can't wait for you to finish it so I can read it. (I don't like reading unfinished books. I don't mind reviewing unfinished books. But I won't read each updated chapter until it's a completed story.) You've done well and I didn't spot any cringy parts. Well done author. 🫶

Grammar & punctuation: grammar is a 9/10, punctuation is a 7/10. Overall I would say a 6/10
Writing Style:8/10

 Overall I would say a 6/10Plot:9/10Blurb:9/10Writing Style:8/10

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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