Chapter 2

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Finally the bell rang. I stood up and ran out the door. Like...I literally ran. I can't go through another round of torture. I didn't even bother stopping at my locker to get my backpack, it's not worth it. I crumpled up the paper in my hand that they had given me in class. I squeezed it in my fist until I couldn't bare the pain of my nails digging into my palm anymore. I muttered curse words under my breath while I ran up the steps on my front porch and sat down. I buried my head in my hands and cried. This wasn't the kind of cry where a few tears fall and your eyes sting a little bit but you can just manage to breathe. Nope, I was in hysterics. Complete and total hysterics. My whole face was wet and puffy. I couldn't breathe and I was shaking. I looked up at the sky and let the cool wind blow against my face and through my hair. I let out a sigh. I'm so hopeless. I walked inside to find my mom sleeping on the couch with some guy. She brings home a new boyfriend like every other night. Which I don't understand because every time she brings home a man, he either ends up being a drunk, addicted to drugs, or just flat out stupid. I rolled my eyes. She puts her dating life before her own child. And when I call her out for it she calls me selfish. Like...are you kidding me? I don't know where my dad is. Okay well that's a dad is in jail. He raped my mom and that's how I happened. My mom wanted to get an abortion but then she decided not to. I wish she would have. I tiptoed up the steps and down the hallway towards my room. If my older brother Josh hears me, he'll see my bruised up face and start asking questions. And if he starts asking questions he'll figure out I'm being bullied. And if he figures out in being bullied he'll start paying closer attention to me then he already does and end up figuring out about my self harm problem. I love Josh. I love him more than anyone in the world and I know he feels the same towards me. He's the only one who truly cares about me. He can be overprotective at times, but I know it's only because he wants me to be safe. He wants me to be okay. I guess he's sort of like my 'guardian,' since my mom doesn't take care of me. He's 17 years old and he's really smart and really sweet and every girl at school loves him, which I don't get, but that's probably just because he's my brother. He also plays on the football team at school. He's pretty much got it all. Slowly, I tiptoed past his room. I ran into my bathroom and locked the door behind me. First thing I need to do is take off all my makeup. Taking off makeup with a black eye, bruised cheeks and a busted lip hurts like hell. Once all my makeup was off I got out foundation to cover up my black eye and my bruising. I need to get my face looking normal before he realizes I'm home. Somebody knocked on the bathroom door. "Hello?" I asked, my voice cracking as I spoke. "Hey Kyra! Are...are you okay?" He asked. I thought about telling him for a moment. But he would kill me if he knew what I do to myself. And he would kill everyone who's ever laid hands on me at school too if he knew I was being bullied. He just can't know. I wanna tell him...I just can't. "Yeah I'm fine." I said. "Your such a weirdo! Come out here and say hi to your brother? Please! I beg of you! I need your advice about this girl at school!" He begged me to come out. "Josh why would I help you with your girl problems?" I laughed. "Well...because your the best little sister ever and you think I'm an amazing big brother and you love me." He explained. "Who in the world told you those lies?" I asked. I heard him scoff causing me to giggle. "Seriously though Kyra, are you okay? These last few days you've been going straight into the bathroom instead of coming in to say hi to me and its worrying me. You know you can tell me anything." His voice was serious now. Telling him crossed my mind again. "I'm fine Josh. I swear. Just...go back to your room okay?" "Okay. I love you." "I love you too.."

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